[OLSR-users] OLSR network stability

Sven Wagner (spam-protected)
Sat Feb 4 18:30:24 CET 2006

Marc Quinton wrote:
> where am I wrong ?

I don't know, every (physical)networksetup is different, and that is the 
reason that it can't give " the one and only working olsr.conf"

in your network you are working with "TC redundancy: 0" we are working 
with  "TC redundancy: 2"
everybody gets all information, but we also use the fish (0.4.10)

most of the nodes in berlin are static, that is the reasen why we try a 
very slow config
the pollrate is set to 0.1 normal is 0.05, ( some nodes working with the 
faster pollrate) and the LinkQualityWinSize is 100 in our conf , thats 
good for static links, there are not changing...but it makes it also for 
notebook user slower to find the right gw, it is possibble,
that you have to wait up to 5 min.
I don't know if the fisheye is the right way, we can't say it works 
better or not, but it works  ;-)
we have more problems with bat HF connections an people who don't update 
there WRT ... it is "buttom up network" not a "top down" one ;-)

in march, we setup the WirelessCommunityWeekend at c-base/berlin for 
people who have already a running (olsr) community network.

more infos asap


######berlinbackbone static node conf######
# olsr.org OLSR daemon config file
# Lines starting with a # are discarded
# This file was shipped with olsrd 0.X.X

# This file is an example of a typical
# configuration for a mostly static
# network(regarding mobility) using
# the LQ extention

# Debug level(0-9)
# If set to 0 the daemon runs in the background

DebugLevel      1

# Fisheye mechanism for TC messages 0=off, 1=on

LinkQualityFishEye 1

# IP version to use (4 or 6)

IpVersion       4

# Clear the screen each time the internal state changes

ClearScreen     yes

# HNA IPv4 routes
# syntax: netaddr netmask
# Example Internet gateway:

#   Internet gateway:
#   more entries can be added:

# HNA IPv6 routes
# syntax: netaddr prefix
# Example Internet gateway:
#   Internet gateway:
#   ::              0
#   more entries can be added:
#   fec0:2200:106:: 48

# Should olsrd keep on running even if there are
# no interfaces available? This is a good idea
# for a PCMCIA/USB hotswap environment.
# "yes" OR "no"

AllowNoInt      yes

# TOS(type of service) value for
# the IP header of control traffic.
# If not set it will default to 16

#TosValue       16

# The fixed willingness to use(0-7)
# If not set willingness will be calculated
# dynamically based on battery/power status
# if such information is available

Willingness     6

# Allow processes like the GUI front-end
# to connect to the daemon.

      # Determines how many simultaneously
      # IPC connections that will be allowed
      # Setting this to 0 disables IPC

      MaxConnections  0

      # By default only is allowed
      # to connect. Here allowed hosts can
      # be added


      # You can also specify entire net-ranges
      # that are allowed to connect. Multiple
      # entries are allowed


# Wether to use hysteresis or not
# Hysteresis adds more robustness to the
# link sensing but delays neighbor registration.
# Used by default. 'yes' or 'no'
# Do not use hysteresis with ETX!

UseHysteresis   no

# Hysteresis parameters
# Do not alter these unless you know
# what you are doing!
# Set to auto by default. Allowed
# values are floating point values
# in the interval 0,1
# THR_LOW must always be lower than

#HystScaling    0.50
#HystThrHigh    0.80
#HystThrLow     0.30

# Link quality level
# 0 = do not use link quality
# 1 = use link quality for MPR selection
# 2 = use link quality for MPR selection and routing
# Defaults to 0

LinkQualityLevel        2

# Link quality window size
# Defaults to 10

LinkQualityWinSize      100

# Polling rate in seconds(float).
# Default value 0.05 sec

Pollrate        0.1

# TC redundancy
# Specifies how much neighbor info should
# be sent in TC messages
# Possible values are:
# 0 - only send MPR selectors
# 1 - send MPR selectors and MPRs
# 2 - send all neighbors
# defaults to 0

TcRedundancy    2

# MPR coverage
# Specifies how many MPRs a node should
# try select to reach every 2 hop neighbor
# Can be set to any integer >0
# defaults to 1

MprCoverage     5

# Olsrd plugins to load
# This must be the absolute path to the file
# or the loader will use the following scheme:
# - Try the paths in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
#   environment variable.
# - The list of libraries cached in /etc/ld.so.cache
# - /lib, followed by /usr/lib

# Example plugin entry with parameters:

#LoadPlugin "olsrd_dyn_gw.so.0.3"
     # Here parameters are set to be sent to the
     # plugin. Theese are on the form "key" "value".
     # Parameters ofcause, differs from plugin to plugin.
     # Consult the documentation of your plugin for details.

     # Example: dyn_gw params

     # how often to check for Internet connectivity
     # defaults to 5 secs
#   PlParam     "Interval"   "40"

     # if one or more IPv4 addresses are given, do a ping on these in
     # descending order to validate that there is not only an entry in
     # routing table, but also a real internet connection. If any of
     # these addresses could be pinged successfully, the test was
     # succesful, i.e. if the ping on the 1st address was successful,the
     # 2nd won't be pinged
#   PlParam     "Ping"       ""
#   PlParam     "Ping"       ""

LoadPlugin "olsrd_httpinfo.so.0.1"
         PlParam "Port" "8080"
         PlParam "Net" ""

LoadPlugin "olsrd_dyn_gw_plain.so.0.4"

LoadPlugin "olsrd_nameservice.so.0.2"
         PlParam "name" "hdl-1"
         PlParam "" "hdl-1-eth"
         PlParam "" "hdl-1-nd"
         PlParam "" "hdl-1-bbb"
         PlParam "suffix" ".olsr"

#LoadPlugin "olsrd_dot_draw.so.0.3"
         # accept connection from IP:
         # default (localhost)
         #PlParam     "accept" ""

# Interfaces and their rules
# Omitted options will be set to the
# default values. Multiple interfaces
# can be specified in the same block
# and multiple blocks can be set.

# (eg. wlan0 or eth1):

Interface "eth0" "wlan0" "wlan1"

     # IPv4 broadcast address to use. The
     # one usefull example would be
     # If not defined the broadcastaddress
     # every card is configured with is used

     # Ip4Broadcast    

     # IPv6 address scope to use.
     # Must be 'site-local' or 'global'

     # Ip6AddrType               site-local

     # IPv6 multicast address to use when
     # using site-local addresses.
     # If not defined, ff05::15 is used

     # Ip6MulticastSite          ff05::11

     # IPv6 multicast address to use when
     # using global addresses
     # If not defined, ff0e::1 is used

     # Ip6MulticastGlobal        ff0e::1

     # Emission intervals.
     # If not defined, RFC proposed values will
     # be used in most cases.

     # Hello interval in seconds(float)
     HelloInterval               5.0

     # HELLO validity time
     HelloValidityTime           90.0

     # TC interval in seconds(float)
     TcInterval                  2.0

     # TC validity time
     TcValidityTime              250.0

     # MID interval in seconds(float)
     MidInterval                 15.0

     # MID validity time
     MidValidityTime             90.0

     # HNA interval in seconds(float)
     HnaInterval                 15.0

     # HNA validity time
     HnaValidityTime             90.0

     # When multiple links exist between hosts
     # the weight of interface is used to determine
     # the link to use. Normally the weight is
     # automatically calculated by olsrd based
     # on the characteristics of the interface,
     # but here you can specify a fixed value.
     # Olsrd will choose links with the lowest value.

     # Weight 0

     # If a certain route should be preferred
     # or ignored by the mesh, the Link Quality
     # value of a node can be multiplied with a factor
     # entered here. In the example the route
     # using would rather be ignored.
     # A multiplier of 0.5 will result in a small
     # (bad) LinkQuality value and a high (bad)
     # ETX value.

     #LinkQualityMult       0.1
     #LinkQualityMult      0.1
     #LinkQualityMult      0.1
     #LinkQualityMult       0.1
     #LinkQualityMult      0.1
     LinkQualityMult     0.1

     # This multiplier applies to all other nodes
     # LinkQualityMult default 0.8


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