[olsr-dev] auto ip address assignment

"Thomas Müller" (spam-protected)
Sat Apr 22 15:54:54 CEST 2006

great Idea to have a auto ip address assignment. 
First of all, why not integrating this method into OLSR core, why a plugin?
I think this should be integrated, as the installation otherwise need two
installers. We can make a mod of Auto-OLSR, or OLSR with Hashing
capabilities. As there is written there is already a code to have  auto ip
address assignment, if the main developer is not releasing it, I dunno, why
he is not sending the code to the thrid party asking members, to have then
really a plugin by a third party. there is nothing more boring to have the
work twice and one saying, I have done it already but do not share it to
you. Well, this may have ideologic reasons, but if this is so, then there is
no need for a plugin, then I would capture the code and make a mode with
integrated hashing a IP adress.
>From the method there is different hardware, maybe there are two laptops,
that have the same card, but I even think the they have a different Mac
adress? Dunno. 
Hashing the MAC adress must be easy, if you take the given Time stamp of the
operating system, when the IP is generated, so if this is done with seconds,
then there is never any IP adress generated as a dublett at the same time
I really agree, to have a OLSR-A MOD to have an easy to use wireless
connector. I need to Install this programm OLSR-A and start it and then I
can connect wireless to all other laptops in a hotel, a cafe, in the bus, at
a wireless lan party or in a students house.
So... hope someone can code this in a short way to have a  auto ip address
assignment hashed from the MAC adress and TimeStamp. 

As decentral structures are better than central structures for a community,
I think as well that there are practical reasons to. At home I share my DSL
account, but if I am in a foreign city, then I do not want to look up wikies
for IP adresses I need to configure in Linux.

I just want to start the appication and find other laptops, which do the
same, and if there is any laptop within the mash, which has a dsl internet 
connection, we all can surf, isn´t this wounderful?

This is the vision of Neo´s Matix to find a port to get into the Matrix.
So. dont wait for telephones ringing you up, just let the laptop do this for
you instant and automatically the programm OLSR-Matrix is started.

PS: Maybe you can tell us, why the code of auto ip address assignment is not
released ?



I strongly believe that a decent, working implementation of auto address
assignment for OLSR will cause a revolution in the popularity of mesh
Imagine a pure "black box" mesh node - you just power it up and instantly
you have a self-configured mesh node. Without needing any general or
specific knowledge about networking - the intelligence is all inside the
black box. Lack of knowledge and unwillingness to learn are at present
barriers to participation in a mesh network.  If it was made super-easy then
the only barrier would be willingness to participate.
Revolutions in the uptake in technology have been caused not by the
invention of the technology, but by making the technology the most
user-friendly possible.  I'd love to see a mesh network node that simply has
an on/off switch - making it a household appliance and easily understood by
the mainstream population.



The autoconfig scheme is explained in my master:
The Strong/Weak DAD terms are explained there.

Let me once again state that the auto-config implementation was not
open source and the code is not available.

Me and a colleague
would like to implement it, but up to now, we're only looking for more
information (we're putting all together
We've thought that using any existing implementation could be a good idea
(like PACMAN <http://sourceforge.net/projects/pacman-autoconf/>).

Do you know any other alternative?


I had a look at PACMAN a year ago, it is not working with the current olsrd 
release, also it only works on linux. But the ideas of pacman as described
the paper, are quite good, if I remember right. So if were you, i would read

that paper and reimplement these ideas all from scratch in a olsrd plugin. 
The algos in the paper are enough to get it working, afaikr. 

Please also note, that nobody uses the original olsr-rfc-protocol, but
the enhancements like etx. I think in the freifunk firmware, which most 
meshes use, also the MPRs are switched off, i.e. every node behaves linke an

MPR. So the hierarchie is flat. This is because, the MPR idea did not work 


and are now considering auto ip address assignment

we are trying to evolve a simple scheme to assign ip to these wds links
based on uniquely configured node id (once in a life time configuration)
we are looking at a more or less stable mesh (i.e. no really adhoc)
well ip address assignment may not depend on wds depending upon


The final idea of our project is that nodes do automatically every thing
once they are placed in the right positions. As a node is powered on, it
discovers its neighbours, attributes itself a unique IP address, and
then establish the most appropriated routes to the rest of the network
and to the world, taking into account the quality of the links. Nodes
know about the different classes of traffic in the network, and manage
the QoS (Quality of Service) at the IP level. Additionally, each node
has the necessary elements to make possible partial voice and data
connectivity even if part of the network is provisionally not available.
In short if we are able to obtain a highly self-configurable mesh
Autoconfiguration is the next issue to


we can not say the same on the implementation side.

Also in IPv4, although a node has a unique
48 bits MAC address, there are no means to obtain a unique 32 bits IPv4
address from it. One partial solution in order to get this uniqueness
could be the use of wireless cards from the same manufacturer (very
limiting idea :( )

- Besides PACMAN we also know this project NOA-OLSR
(http://hipercom.inria.fr/noa-olsr/) and LUNAR-ng based on AODV
(http://core.it.uu.se/AdHoc/LunarImpl) but all of them offer limited
solutions, some of them already discussed here: no QoS-aware, limited
number of interfaces per node, inestability.


you have a good 
auto ip generation (ie hashing from the mac addr) the detection will be used

rarely. just start something, 
we test it in reality, and then it goes forward in small steps.


hashing from mac address... this reminds me on bruxelles patched  
dhcpd (1). if we go this way with an olsr plugin it would be really  
cool if it could speak dhcp as well... then olsrd would become a self  
configuring distributed dhcp server. wow.

1) http://www.reseaucitoyen.be/wiki/index.php/PatchesUdhcpd



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