[Olsr-users] OLSR setup with VPN interface for management

ZioPRoTo (Saverio Proto) (spam-protected)
Mon Jan 24 11:56:02 CET 2011


at Ninux.org we many nodes of our mesh with also a VPN Interface
(Internet Tunnel). The VPN is full mesh using tinc.

On the VPN subnet we speak OLSR, because there are some mesh islands
not connected via radio links.

The problem is that sometimes, between two nodes, there are al least
two paths, one using only radio links, and another one using the VPN.

To force the traffic to use the VPN only when it is the only possible
way, the used LinkQualityMult on every node accessing the VPN, putting
this kind of value on the VPN Interface block.

LinkQualityMult default 0.1

The problem now is that ETX gets so big that no route is added to the
routing table. We found out that this happens when we have the
following configuration:

LinkQualityAlgorithm    "etx_fpm"

Commenting this everything works with links with ETX > 100

What is the upped bound of the ETX value for a route to be inserted in
the routing table ? And so what would be a suggested value for
LinkQualityMult ?

There is a better way to handle this scenario that is not using
LinkQualityMult ?



PS our current network is this:
you can see the VPN links with ETX 104.039

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