[OLSR-users] problem while using global IPv6 address

Audsin dev (spam-protected)
Wed Jan 5 14:03:44 CET 2005


I am using olsrd-0.4.8 and using global IPv6 address
for my experiment. I have configured my wireless
interface (eth1) with global IPv6 address and there is
no site-local IPv6 address for that interface (eth1) 
I changed my /etc/olsrd.conf to configure for global
IPv6 address as mentioned below

Ip6AddrType                global

Ip6MulticastGlobal ff0e::1

But while i run olsrd i get the following lines

sendto(v6): Cannot assign requested address
Socket: 5 interface: 0
To: ff05::15 (size: 28)
Outputsize: 32

Also, my routing table is also not changed by olsrd

1) My question is, why is olsrd still using ff05::15
(which is the multicast address for  site-local
address) and not ff0e::1 (multicast address for global
IPv6 address).

2) why iam a getting

sendto(v6): Cannot assign requested address
Socket: 5 interface: 0
To: ff05::15 (size: 28)
Outputsize: 32

what does "sendto(v6): Cannot assign requested
means here?

Everything works fine with site-local IPv6..

Any suggestion why iam getting this error for global

I am attaching my olsrd.conf and the log file
generated by olsrd

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