[Olsr-dev] Olsrd v0.9.5 and plugin jsoninfo

(spam-protected) (spam-protected)
Thu Dec 22 09:44:10 CET 2016


I know this information about scripts from changelog but I have tray
get manually information from jsonplugin use simple unix command

echo /routes | nc 9090

where 9090 is port for jsonplugin and when I have ask plugin jsoninfo
about 'routes' OLSRD process crash

I can do similar use telnet command:

telnet 9090

and when next send command /mid all information is showed but when I
have send command in telnet session /routes main OLSRD process crash

If I send bad command to jsoninfo I have proper info about invalid requests :
telnet 9090
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2016 08:39:05 GMT
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Origin, X-Requested-With
Access-Control-Max-Age: 1728000
Content-Length: 0
Cache-Control: no-cache

When I have send correct request like /mid I receive all iformation:

telnet 9090
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2016 08:41:24 GMT
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Origin, X-Requested-With
Access-Control-Max-Age: 1728000
Content-Length: 465
Cache-Control: no-cache

{"pid": 27325,"systemTime":

but when I have try use /links or /routes not inforation and OLSRD
stop working and it lis look like crash process because I must again
restart olsrd

telnet 9090
Connection closed by foreign host

2016-12-22 9:18 GMT+01:00 Ferry Huberts <(spam-protected)>:
> On 22/12/16 09:10, (spam-protected) wrote:
>> After success compile olsrd 0.9.5 I have update package on my openwrt router
>> I have use plug-in jsoninfo to get information 'links' and 'routes'
>> use following command:
>> echo /links | nc 9090
>> Now after upgrade to v0.9.5 plugin jsoninfo crash olsrd when I have
> Please provide your commands and the backtrace.
> Also - from the changelog - read this:
> Note: The txtinfo and jsoninfo plugins were 'merged' to use a common
>       codebase for receiving requests and dispatching replies. Also,
>       these plugins were subjected to review and fixes. As a result:
>       - request handling has become much stricter, e.g. a txtinfo
>         request '/links' will no longer work since the correct request is
>         (and has always been) '/lin'.
>       - some fixes change the format and/or content of txtinfo and/or
>         jsoninfo output. An example is the txtinfo output of the request
>         '/mid' when 'vtime' is enabled on txtinfo; this has been broken
>         since the end of 2009 (c555a44).
>       - invalid requests will return HTTP error status code
>         "Not Found" (404) when HTTP headers are enabled, and report
>         an error in the output when they are not enabled.
>       - requests without output will return HTTP error status code
>         "No Content" (204) when HTTP headers are enabled, and report
>         an error in the output when they are not enabled.
>       It is VERY strongly advised to check your scripts and applications
>       interfacing with olsrd txtinfo and/or jsoninfo before switching
>       to this version of olsrd.
>> use check following
>> parameters
>> links
>> routes
>> topology
>> interfaces
>> when I have check following parameters
>> hna
>> gateways
>> mid
>> neighbors
>> 2hop
>> sgw
>> I have information from jsoninfo and olsrd not crash
>> I have check olsrd 0.9.5 compiled and running on debian all working OK
>> but under openwrt
>> crash process when I want to get information about links and routes
>> Anybody have similar problems with olsrd 0.9.5 running under openwrt ????
>> Regards
>> Waldek
> --
> Ferry Huberts

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