[Olsr-dev] New plugin: telnet

Ferry Huberts (spam-protected)
Wed Feb 20 18:59:21 CET 2013

On 20/02/13 18:32, equinox wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 2013-02-20 17:54, schrieb Hans of Guardian:
> [...]
>>> I'm not at all convinced that adding such a plugin is a good idea.
>>> It might be but your mileage may vary: in general olsrd v1 is
>>> UNSUITED for dynamic configuration.
>>> Some stuff might work, other stuff might not work.
> That's why i asked you if you see any problems with the way the plugin
> interacts with the internal data structures.
>>> Also, it seem like we already have something of a telnet server, and
>>> it's called txtinfo.
> Yes but it's read only... isn't it? Also for a telnet plugin it's imho
> missing a great deal of interactivity.
>>> The amount of code duplication already is well above tolerance levels
>>> and people duplicating functionality is not doing anything good to it.
>>> I'm not particularly open to adding any more plugins to the tree
>>> until people make clear why the plugin must be added and why the
>>> functionality can't be added to any of the plugins already present in
>>> the tree.
> No offense but i think that my plugin has much more reason to be inside
> olsrd than a  httpinfo/txtinfo/jsonfo. After all it's the first plugin i

No offense but everyone that has just written a new plugin says that ;-)

And it's not the first plugin: sgwdynspeed was there before you

> know which allows the user to update any of the olsrd's configuration at
> runtime. All those plugins listed above do more or less the same but
> with differnet output format. Don't get me wrong, i use them all and i
> think that they all are very useful.
> Because there are so many plugins for this there is no 'route list'
> command inside telnet plugin. That's because plainly dumping info is not
> the use case for it. The focus is on changing parameters without the
> need to restart the daemon.
> I don't want to step on anybodys feet but if you want to reduce the
> number of duplicate plugins, how about dropping the dyngw plugin(s)
> (which are - correct me if i'm wrong - the only reason for the
> dependency to pthread) and replacing it with the telnet plugin plus a
> small external programm...

There are many 'ugly' parts to olsrd v1
We're trying to not let it explode until v2 is ready...

But, work with Henning and see what you can come up with :-)

Ferry Huberts

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