[Olsr-dev] [PATCH v1 1/1] android: remove regex code and update API level

Henning Rogge (spam-protected)
Mon Oct 15 17:18:20 CEST 2012

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 5:14 PM, Hans of Guardian
<(spam-protected)> wrote:
> A working build systems means you only rebuild the changed files, and those affected by it.  So you should only see those regex warnings once when you first compile.  So that's another approach to solving this issue.  Then you don't have to look through long build logs every time.

I prefer to have my compilation STOP when I work on code and made an
error... at least thats my personal preference.

> One thing that would help with this goal is to remove the builddata.c kludge.  These can be set using macros defined from the command line:
> -DOLSRD_VERSION='"olsr.org -  0.6.3-git_a9c9b25-hash_7c4d4af59e8bb9c9dd2cb85eb4815c17  -"'

This will not help that much, because you have then to recompile the
code that use this defines.

In the new framework I put this data into a static library of its own,
so it has no direct connection to the rest of the API/program.

Henning Rogge

Steven Hawkings about cosmic inflation: "An increase of billions of
billions of percent in a tiny fraction of a second. Of course, that
was before the present government."

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