[Olsr-dev] does the current Debian olsrd.conf work with a mesh?

Daniel Nitzpon (spam-protected)
Thu Jun 28 21:25:31 CEST 2012

Am 28.06.2012 21:18, schrieb Hans-Christoph Steiner:
> Thanks, that was a useful description.  I think I'll go back to my
> original idea with is and make the default setup have sensible defaults
> in olsrd.conf then use these settings for the adhoc setup:
> SSID: olsr.org
> BSSID: cc:cc:cc:cc:cc:cc
> channel: 7
> ip address: 172.29.x.x with x being the last digits of the MAC
> netmask
> Ip4Broadcast
> LinkQualityFishEye 1
> LinkQualityAlgorithm "etx_ff"
> This will let people easily start a mesh with whoever is nearby, but
> make it harder for them to inadvertently connect to a mesh and mess it
> up.  Do the above settings make sense?  I think "Ip4Broadcast
>" and the use of InterfaceDefaults are the only changes
> from the previous olsrd.conf that was included, besides text formatting.

Is there a specific reason to choose channel 7 instead of one of the 
usual (1, 6, 11)?


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