[Olsr-dev] ninux architecture and smartgateway Was: Question on RtTable and RtTableDefault

Teco Boot (spam-protected)
Wed Jul 25 16:32:39 CEST 2012

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 4:12 PM, ZioPRoTo (Saverio Proto) <(spam-protected)> wrote:
> Hello,
> I changed the subject of the email because the question is not really
> related to the original subject.
> I have to say that ad Ninux we never used SmartGateway so we dont have
> a lot of experience with it.
> We don't use SmartGateway because:
> 1) we never experienced gateway flapping
Great !
For short lived connections (DNS, web), this could be true.
You don't use outbound SSH and SSL tunnels, or other long lived connections? 

> 2) we want to avoid tunneling (especially asymmetric)

Me too. For IPv4, there is no real alternative.
The asymmetric tunnel is no issue. If you tunnel back, it brings overhead only.
With IPv6, there is no napt problem. But firewalls & ingress filters can introduce same problems, so sticking to same gw for single connection is a good thing. So my long term vision: use IPv6, prefixes of to_be_used gw and use source address routing to that gw if destination is not inside. IETF HOMENET moves towards this idea also. 

> 3) we developed our own solution to static routes blackholing
> https://github.com/ninuxorg/misc_tools/tree/master/adsl_check

This is something different.


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