[Olsr-dev] minor issue with openBSD makefile

L. Aaron Kaplan (spam-protected)
Thu Feb 12 14:26:38 CET 2009

make uberclean says:

find . \( -name '*.[od]' -o -name '*~' \) -not -path "*/.hg*" -print0  
| xargs -0 rm -f
find: -not: unknown option

from the OpenBSD manpage:

      The primaries may be combined using the following operators.   
The opera-
      tors are listed in order of decreasing precedence.

      ( expression )
                    This evaluates to true if the parenthesized  
                    evaluates to true.

      ! expression  This is the unary NOT operator.  It evaluates to  
true if
                    the expression is false.

      expression -and expression
      expression expression
                    The -and operator is the logical AND operator.  As  
it is
                    implied by the juxtaposition of two expressions it  
does not
                    have to be specified.  The expression evaluates to  
true if
                    both expressions are true.  The second expression  
is not
                    evaluated if the first expression is false.

      expression -or expression
                    The -or operator is the logical OR operator.  The  
                    sion evaluates to true if either the first or the  
                    expression is true.  The second expression is not  
                    if the first expression is true.


So there is no "-not" in OpenBSD's find
FreeBSD knows that option.

Linux manpages say:

        -not expr
               Same as ! expr, but not POSIX compliant.


If you dont mind, I changed that to "!" in all the .sh scripts and the  

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