[Olsr-dev] broadcast packet filtering

Joe Gio (spam-protected)
Mon May 5 20:26:45 CEST 2008

It has been noticed that nodes generating high broadcast traffic (bmf 
encap packets for instance) will "loose" some incoming messages even 
though they are clearly visible being received using tcp dump on the 
wireless interface.

The problem is that "broadcast " packets sent from the local node are 
looped back to any listening sockets on the same box as is the case in 
bmf, so bmf has to process (discard) its own broadcasts. Since bmf is 
already busy reading packets of the wired interface the wireless receive 
queue starts to get backed quickly so any "real" packets received from 
other nodes get dropped in the socket buff before bmf can process. This 
can be confirmed using the netstat command  "while sleep 1; do netstat 
-a 2<&1 | grep 50698; done"

This command filters out the nodes own broadcast packets using ip tables 
on the gateworks armeb board.

ADDR=`ifconfig ath0 | grep "inet addr" | awk '{print $2}'`

BCAST=`ifconfig ath0 | grep "inet addr" | awk '{print $3}'`

ADDR=`echo $ADDR | sed -e s/:/\ /g | awk '{print $2}'`

BCAST=`echo $BCAST | sed -e s/:/\ /g | awk '{print $2}'`

iptables -I INPUT -p udp --src $ADDR --dst $BCAST -j DROP

Joe Gio

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