[olsr-dev] question about gcc-4.0

Bernd Petrovitsch (spam-protected)
Thu Dec 29 16:20:53 CET 2005

On Thu, 2005-12-29 at 13:54 +0100, Thomas Lopatic wrote:
> [compiling olsrd with GCC 4]
> > Hmm, a 4.0.0 problem which is already solved?
> Hmm. Aaron tried it on OS X. Looks to me as if GCC on OS X requires

Yup. I wonder that binutils are different than on Linux. Or do they also
have their on binutils?

> different command line parameters to generate shared libraries than it
> does on FreeBSD. We haven't tried to compile on Mac OS X for quite a while

Even more strange IMHO.

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