[Olsr-users] OLSR configuration protocol

Ruiz Gaistardo, Esau E (spam-protected)
Tue Sep 30 02:21:25 CEST 2014

Hi Olsr-team

I’m doing some experiments with OLSR in Linux, currently using pre-0.6.8-git-6a8a413-hash_eac38b552ae15f336c9c29bad0f6b61b, I have a testbed of 6 nodes each running OLSR protocol, and I need to catch Hello Messages confirmation from each neighbor and packet number, to easily see if I miss one packet. Previously I was using "tcpdump -vv -ni wlanx port 698” but I do not find this as a safe process since if I run this in one of the nodes, this node can be loosing packets on the way.

Is there some parameter in the .conf file I need to modify or in the code to make this happens

Thanks and Best Regards

Esau Ruiz


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