[Olsr-users] Mobile robotics

Bernd Petrovitsch (spam-protected)
Thu Oct 2 11:58:37 CEST 2008

On Thu, 2008-10-02 at 08:53 +0100, Nelson Gonçalves wrote:
>  I am working with mobile robots and need a way to route messages
> among computers at mobile robots (using wlan) and also computers using
> ethernet connections. 
>  My idea is to setup olsrd at each computer (mobile and fixed) and
> write a plugin to filter my message types. While reading the docs, it
> was not clear to me if olsrd can use ethernet connections. Also I need

It can. And over openvpn's tunnels with "tap" interfaces BTW too.

Essentially olsrd can use any network interface where you can broadcast
So point-to-point do not work ATM but that's just an implementation
problem/bug/missing feature (as IMHO any communication over PtP is
conceptually a "broadcast").

>   Thus, my question is: can I use olsrd for routing messages among
> fixed and wireless computers ?

Yes, lots of people are actually doing this all the time.

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