[Olsr-users] Building a small mesh network

Sven-Ola Tuecke (spam-protected)
Wed Aug 13 12:19:14 CEST 2008

Larry, Johne,

jep - most stuff is in german. And sometimes not too compat to oh-i-only-want-a-fast-setup people. We need some more tech material for these...

Here are some links:

(bit outdated but still valid)

(a good overview)

// Sven-Ola
  "Larry DiBona" <(spam-protected)> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:(spam-protected)

  There is very little simple How-To instructions available on setting up a Freifunk mesh network of routers.  I don't have the time to write full blown instructions, but here is what I have found.  (Sorry to all the OLSR developers on this email list, but guys like John are generally ignored).  There is lots of tech info at the Freifunk site.

  -Freifunk works great, it has the latest stable OLSR built in and has some of the developers for OLSR working on it
  -It has almost no security built in except a login for admin
  -Choose any router for the WAN (Internet) connection and that router will automatically act as the gateway
  -It works as an ad-hoc network, not an access point. You set up routers with Freifunk, and you can connect computers to any router with a wire (Not wirelessly) to get Internet traffic.
  -You can have a node do both meshing and access point, but the performance is not so good.

  Quick Freifunk Setup
  In the web setup:
  I use a Buffalo router with the LAN split from the wirless, this happens automatically, should happen with the Linksys.
  Your basically setting three areas on the Freifunk, LAN WAN, WIRELESS

  1  Flash with the stable version   
  2  Do not add or change anything on the OLSR page, or the System Page
  3  On the WAN page, set WAN to DHCP. It's easiest to connect the WAN port to an Internet connection which is live, like wherever you would plug in a computer and get an IP address and Internet.
  4   On the LAN page, set it to Static, Set the LAN IP address to whatever you want, its going to be local, and set the LAN DHCP number of users, usually 4
  5  On  the WIRELESS page, Each router will need it's own wireless IP address, you have to assign it manually.
  Set the wireless IP address to whatever you want, make sure it is in the same network as all the other routers and is a unique address.  Set the access mode to AD_HOC. set the ESSID to whatever you want to call it, make sure it's the same for all routers.  Set the power. 
  6 Leave everything else alone
  7- Reboot, and wait a bit

  Turn on all the routers, choose one or more to plug the Internet into the WAN port.  Plug a computer into a LAN port.  If all goes well, you should have access.  To use any point  it as an access point, plug another router into one of  routers and configure it as a straight access point.  Flash it with something like X-wrt or DDwrt, then just plug it into a Freifunk router.  That would be a poor mans dual radio setup, works great.

  Good Luck
  - Larry

  John Harris wrote: 

I have 3 Linksys routers to build a Mesh Network. Im using the Freifunk Firmware.

How can I make the configuration of an access point for one Linksys. I have no access  to internet over the router which is connected with LAN.

Can anybody help me ? 

How can I make the Configurations ?

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