[Olsr-users] Active copy of the Links/Routing table

David Murray (spam-protected)
Tue Nov 13 07:32:14 CET 2007


I am quite sure that the plugin is installed correctly as it is telling 
me the plugin and the parameters when I start olsr. Output:

---------- LOADING LIBRARY olsrd_txtinfo.so.0.1 ----------
OLSRD txtinfo plugin 0.1 by Lorenz Schori
Checking plugin interface version:  5 - OK
Trying to fetch plugin init function: OK
Trying to fetch parameter table and it's size...
Sending parameters...
"accept"/""... Got IP address
accept: OK
Running plugin_init function...
---------- LIBRARY olsrd_txtinfo.so.0.1 LOADED ----------


I also know that the port is open as when I nmap my host I can see 
"2006/tcp open  invokator" however I am still getting nothing when I 
wget the host on port 2006. I have tried both locally and from another 

When I take the "-qO -"(quiet) bit out of my "wget localhost:2006 -qO 
-" command I am getting the following error message:

wget localhost:2006
--23:21:58--  http://localhost:2006/
           => `index.html'
Resolving localhost...
Connecting to localhost||:2006... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... Read error (Connection reset by 
peer) in headers.

So it looks to me like there is something there to at least reject my 
connection. Do you think it is still rejecting the connection based on 
the Ip address? Surely if I am using wget on my localhost then this 
will bypass IP addressing filters. I have also tried using wildcast 
parameters like for PlParam "accept" but this has not helped.



PS: Another question, I have been thinking of starting from scratch 
writing a plugin starting with the tutorial here 
however I am little unnerved by the warning saying that it is outdated 
since 0.4.10. Is this tutorial no longer helpful?

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