[OLSR-users] Multi-Radio Multi-Channel support in OLSR???

Florian E. Teply (spam-protected)
Thu Feb 1 23:43:13 CET 2007

Tim Martin wrote:
> Maybe there's a multitude of mesh networking vendors who tout multi-channel 
> multi radio because they rely on selling to people who know as little about it 
> as you.  If you have two or more radios broadcasting from the same location at 
> close frequencies there is going to be a lot of bleedover or at least a lot of 
> attenuation making the radios far less efficient.  You can have one radio in the 
> 11b/g range and one in the 11a range but having two in the same frequency range 
> is a waste of time and money.
Well, apart from the behaviour of olsr (which i don't actually know of),
 bleedover isn't a problem that couldn't be solved. It would call for
quite good filters though. Those filters would have to have high
Q-factors which is all but impossible to achieve. In Amateur Radio there
actually are repeaters with channel shifts of a little more than 20 MHz
@2.3GHz, some even operate receiver and transmitter on the same antenna
simultaneously. So i'd suggest to contact local radio amateurs and ask
them for suggestions.


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