[OLSR-users] Routes never added

John Gorkos (spam-protected)
Wed Jul 12 17:55:28 CEST 2006

  Thanks for the input, but I just went ahead and build one for the mipsel 
platform.   If anyone wants it, it's at http://gw.wildcatwireless.net/ping

Anyway, I did this from the .47 router:
(spam-protected):~# ./ping -b
WARNING: pinging broadcast address
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- ping statistics ---
8 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 7017ms

and saw this at the .1 router:
(spam-protected):~# tcpdump -i eth1 host and port not ssh
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes
10:51:52.138900 IP router-47 > icmp 64: echo request seq 1
10:51:53.160077 IP router-47 > icmp 64: echo request seq 2
10:51:54.152961 IP router-47 > icmp 64: echo request seq 3
10:51:55.152807 IP router-47 > icmp 64: echo request seq 4
10:51:56.165460 IP router-47 > icmp 64: echo request seq 5
10:51:57.152707 IP router-47 > icmp 64: echo request seq 6
10:51:58.152757 IP router-47 > icmp 64: echo request seq 7
10:51:59.152669 IP router-47 > icmp 64: echo request seq 8

Which is pretty convincing evidence that the broadcast ping is being sent over 
the air.  I would think that ARP resolution would fail, as well, if broadcast 
didn't work.  So, now why won't OLSR broadcast the HELLO packets such that 
everyone can hear them?

John Gorkos

On Wednesday 12 July 2006 10:41, Sven Wagner wrote:
> hi john
> try the horst tool, it is not a ping tool more a traceroute tool, but
> very helpfull for analysing
> ipkg update
> ipkg install horst
> or
> ipkg install http://styx.commando.de/sven-ola/ipkg/horst_1.2_mipsel.ipk
> then
> wl monitor 1
> horst
> then type "s" or "o"
> when you are finsh
> wl monitor 0
> have fun
> 	cven

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