[OLSR-users] Compatibility of the different olsr versions
Andreas Tønnesen
Tue Mar 23 09:14:16 CET 2004
I have only tested compability against the NRL implementation(nrlolsrd)
and after correcting a bug in their code :) it worked with UniK olsrd.
But there are still some issues that could be looked into there.
As for other implementations I have no hands-on experiance. But I can
give some hints. The general rule here is that implementations that are
only ports or minor upgrades of the original INRIA olsrd will NOT be
compatible with UniK olsrd. The INRIA code is only OLSR draft-3
compatible and there are huge differences between draft-3 and RFC3626
including packet formats.
* http://reptar.grc.upv.es/~calafate/olsr/olsr.htm
AFAIK this is a port of the INRIA code. My guess is it's not compatible
with UniK olsrd.
* http://www.grc.upv.es/software/intro_OLSR11win.html
The website claims this implementation is draft 11 compatible. If so -
it should work with UniK olsrd.
* http://pf.itd.nrl.navy.mil/projects.php?name=olsr
As mentioned above this works with a minor fix. The developers were to
include the fix in the next release at the time I was testing it - so it
might be updated now.
If someone has hands-on experience with this it would be great to get
some results.
There was also some talk about a interop meeting in the MANET list:
but I havn't herad anything about it since...
Andreas T
Jens Nachtigall wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>Dear all,
>http://menetou.inria.fr/olsr/ lists quite a few olsr implementations. Do
>you know how compatible they are?
>For instance, can I mesh with:
>- - a PocketPC running http://reptar.grc.upv.es/~calafate/olsr/olsr.htm
>- - a windows PC running http://www.grc.upv.es/software/index.html
>- - a MacOS X with http://pf.itd.nrl.navy.mil/projects.php?name=olsr
>- - and a linux box running unik olsr
>Any experiences?
>- --
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Andreas Tønnesen((spam-protected))
UniK University Graduation Center
University of Oslo
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