[Olsr-dev] reduce OLSR bandwidth by tuning emission intervals

Henning Rogge (spam-protected)
Tue Feb 26 14:39:29 CET 2013


incoming OLSR messages like TCs/MIDs/HNAs are delayed by a few hundred 
milliseconds (to allow message aggregation), but besides this they are 
(and have to be) forwarded instantly.

The emission intervals are only responsible for the generation of 
messages at the originator, not for forwarding messages.

Henning Rogge

On 02/26/2013 02:35 PM, Saverio Proto wrote:
>> [*] RFC 3626 paragraph 18.1:
>> """
>>       -    the emission intervals (section 18.2), along with the
>>            advertised holding times (subject to the above constraints)
>>            MAY be selected on a per node basis.
>> """
>> [^] http://zumbi.netgroup.uniroma2.it/~clauz/tmp/bigemission3.pcap
> is it correct that the values in the configuration file are for the
> OLSR messages generated by the router ?
> the OLSR messages that are forwarded (i.e. originator id is another
> router) are forwarded asap without respect of EmissionInterval.
> correct ?

Diplom-Informatiker Henning Rogge , Fraunhofer-Institut für
Kommunikation, Informationsverarbeitung und Ergonomie FKIE
Kommunikationssysteme (KOM)
Fraunhofer Straße 20, 53343 Wachtberg, Germany
Telefon +49 228 9435-961,   Fax +49 228 9435 685
mailto:(spam-protected) http://www.fkie.fraunhofer.de

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