[Olsr-dev] "sendto(v4): Network is unreachable"
Teco Boot
Thu Feb 14 20:41:57 CET 2013
Why not include dyn_gw and p2pd in android?
I planned to use it.
Op 14 feb. 2013, om 17:52 heeft Hans-Christoph Steiner het volgende geschreven:
> On 02/14/2013 11:40 AM, Henning Rogge wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 5:35 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner
>> <(spam-protected)> wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> I'm also working with Bradley on this, so I was helping him troubleshoot. He
>>> said the two macs he was using were able to ping each other.
>>> About this broadcast thing, I can't imagine why Mac OS X would not allow
>>> broadcasts, do you know of any documentation on this issue?
>>> Also, with 0.6.4 built on Mac OS X 10.7, it was giving an error like:
>>> /proc/net/route: no such file or directory.
>>> I only have access to Mac OS X 10.6 and 10.5, and olsrd 0.6.4 does not give me
>>> that error. Its odd because olsrd should only be looking for anything in
>>> /proc when there is a Linux kernel, which is definitely not the case in Mac OS
>>> X ;)
>> Most likely the dyngw/dyngwplain plugin was accidentally compiled for
>> Mac OS. But it use the /proc file and is (because of this) Linux only.
> If dyngw/dyngwplain only work with the Linux kernel, then why does the
> olsrd/Makefile include them both in non-Linux OSs:
> ifeq ($(OS),linux)
> SUBDIRS = arprefresh bmf dot_draw dyn_gw dyn_gw_plain httpinfo jsoninfo mdns
> mini nameservice p2pd pgraph pud quagga secure sgwdynspeed txtinfo watchdog
> else
> ifeq ($(OS),win32)
> SUBDIRS := dot_draw httpinfo jsoninfo mini pgraph secure txtinfo
> else
> ifeq ($(OS),android)
> SUBDIRS := arprefresh bmf dot_draw dyn_gw_plain httpinfo jsoninfo mini
> nameservice pgraph pud secure sgwdynspeed txtinfo watchdog
> else
> SUBDIRS := dot_draw dyn_gw dyn_gw_plain httpinfo jsoninfo mini nameservice
> pgraph secure txtinfo watchdog
> endif
> endif
> endif
> .hc
> --
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