[Olsr-dev] "sendto(v4): Network is unreachable"

Henning Rogge (spam-protected)
Thu Feb 14 18:12:57 CET 2013

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 5:52 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner
<(spam-protected)> wrote:
> If dyngw/dyngwplain only work with the Linux kernel, then why does the
> olsrd/Makefile include them both in non-Linux OSs:
> ifeq ($(OS),linux)
> SUBDIRS = arprefresh bmf dot_draw dyn_gw dyn_gw_plain httpinfo jsoninfo mdns
> mini nameservice p2pd pgraph pud quagga secure sgwdynspeed txtinfo watchdog
> else
> ifeq ($(OS),win32)
> SUBDIRS := dot_draw httpinfo jsoninfo mini pgraph secure txtinfo
> else
> ifeq ($(OS),android)
> SUBDIRS := arprefresh bmf dot_draw dyn_gw_plain httpinfo jsoninfo mini
> nameservice pgraph pud secure sgwdynspeed txtinfo watchdog
> else
> SUBDIRS := dot_draw dyn_gw dyn_gw_plain httpinfo jsoninfo mini nameservice
> pgraph secure txtinfo watchdog
> endif
> endif
> endif

Because someone added it in 2008 when the makefile got a "other"
category (instead of just "win32" and "not win32")... and nobody ever

@Ferry: I am pretty sure /proc doesn't exist on MacOS... do you agree?


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