[Olsr-dev] change default install location to /usr/local

Hans-Christoph Steiner (spam-protected)
Thu May 31 21:57:52 CEST 2012

On May 31, 2012, at 3:41 PM, Ferry Huberts wrote:

> On 31-05-12 20:02, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>> I would like to include this patch to change the default Linux install location to /usr/local, which is the generally accepted UNIX standard for user-installed programs.  Currently, it installs into /usr, which is set aside for system-installed programs (apt-get, yum, etc.  This patch also includes the standard Makefile variables $DESTDIR, $prefix, and $libdir, for standardized overriding of those locations (i.e. make prefix=/usr).
>> Any objections?
> I'm not too thrilled about this so close to a new release, can we please postpone it until after 0.6.3?

IMHO, this is not a feature, this is a bug fix.  The vast majority of free software uses /usr/local as the default install location, this is the default behavior of build systems like autotools and ./configure, cmake, etc.  /usr/local is also widely documented as the place for user-installed software (i.e. outside of the system's packages and updates):



>> diff --git a/make/Makefile.linux b/make/Makefile.linux
>> index e73be7c..02fb99f 100644
>> --- a/make/Makefile.linux
>> +++ b/make/Makefile.linux
>> @@ -3,8 +3,12 @@
>>  #
>>  ARCH := $(shell uname -m)
>> +
>>  DESTDIR ?=
>> -LIBDIR =       $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib
>> +prefix ?= /usr/local
>> +libdir ?= $(prefix)/lib
>> +
>> +LIBDIR =       $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
>>  SRCS +=        $(wildcard src/linux/*.c src/unix/*.c)
>>  HDRS +=                $(wildcard src/linux/*.h src/unix/*.h)
> -- 
> Ferry Huberts

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