[Olsr-dev] [GSOC] - mDNS plugin. Filter out hosts we dont want to propagate

Ferry Huberts (spam-protected)
Thu May 10 10:18:30 CEST 2012

On 10-05-12 10:03, ZioPRoTo (Saverio Proto) wrote:
> If you want you can comment directly on github, it is easier to
> reference to lines of code
> https://github.com/zioproto/olsrd-gsoc2012/commit/bf89a197971bad6291215d1dbcb3a42527800263
> Skeleton code of the new feature of mDNS to filter
> out some hosts to prevent forwarding of services
> we dont want to propagate in the mesh.
> In the configuration file we can write which IP address we want to discard
> and do not propagate in the mDNS flooding.
> For example if I have Apple AirPort at home, do not giving out any service
> I dont want those mDNS packets travelling in the all mesh network.
> I backported the list.h from the master branch to have a dinamic list of hosts
> Saverio

Hi Saverio

wouldn't it be easier to use a whitelist, instead of the blacklist you 
now use?

Ferry Huberts

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