[Olsr-dev] MeshTether test release - olsrd for Android

Stephan Moczygemba (spam-protected)
Fri Aug 24 10:30:25 CEST 2012

Hi hc,

doesn't work on Samsung Galaxy Nexus on 4.0.4:
Starting mesh service (first time):
08-24 08:18:27.375: I/ActivityManager(189): START 
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] 
flg=0x10200000 cmp=net.commotionwireless.meshtether/.StatusActivity} 
from pid 391
08-24 08:18:27.484: D/dalvikvm(1344): Late-enabling CheckJNI
08-24 08:18:27.492: I/ActivityManager(189): Start proc 
net.commotionwireless.meshtether for activity 
net.commotionwireless.meshtether/.StatusActivity: pid=1344 uid=10059 
gids={3003, 1015}
08-24 08:18:27.515: I/dalvikvm(1344): Turning on JNI app bug workarounds 
for target SDK version 8...
08-24 08:18:27.539: D/OpenGLRenderer(391): Flushing caches (mode 1)
08-24 08:18:27.546: D/MeshTetherApp(1344): onCreate
08-24 08:18:27.601: D/OpenGLRenderer(391): Flushing caches (mode 0)
08-24 08:18:27.625: D/dalvikvm(1344): GC_CONCURRENT freed 186K, 2% free 
12870K/13127K, paused 2ms+2ms
08-24 08:18:27.726: V/PhoneStatusBar(269): setLightsOn(true)
08-24 08:18:27.734: W/System.err(1344): Couldn't get I/O for socket to
08-24 08:18:27.750: D/dalvikvm(269): GC_CONCURRENT freed 581K, 5% free 
14298K/14983K, paused 3ms+3ms
08-24 08:18:27.789: I/ActivityManager(189): Displayed 
net.commotionwireless.meshtether/.StatusActivity: +328ms
08-24 08:18:27.789: W/InputManagerService(189): Starting input on 
non-focused client 
(uid=10029 pid=391)
08-24 08:18:32.734: W/System.err(1344): Couldn't get I/O for socket to
08-24 08:18:37.734: W/System.err(1344): Couldn't get I/O for socket to
08-24 08:18:41.937: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:18:41.968: D/dalvikvm(1344): GC_CONCURRENT freed 216K, 3% free 
13117K/13447K, paused 5ms+2ms
08-24 08:18:41.984: D/dalvikvm(1344): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 3% free 
13117K/13447K, paused 11ms
08-24 08:18:41.984: I/dalvikvm-heap(1344): Grow heap (frag case) to 
13.134MB for 279056-byte allocation
08-24 08:18:42.007: D/dalvikvm(1344): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 9K, 3% free 
13379K/13767K, paused 17ms
08-24 08:18:42.054: W/MeshTetherApp(1344): serviceStarted
08-24 08:18:42.078: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_START
08-24 08:18:42.093: I/MeshService(1344): log: Starting 
08-24 08:18:42.109: I/MeshService(1344): log: Unpacking assets…
08-24 08:18:42.281: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:18:42.281: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:18:42.281: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:18:42.281: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:18:42.281: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:18:42.281: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:18:42.281: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:18:42.281: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:18:42.281: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:18:42.281: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:18:42.281: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:18:42.281: I/NativeHelper(1344): Running 
/data/data/net.commotionwireless.meshtether/app_bin/busybox --install -s 
08-24 08:18:42.320: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_NETSCHANGE
08-24 08:18:42.320: I/MeshService(1344): log: No active WAN interface found
08-24 08:18:42.320: I/MeshService(1344): log: Enabling wifi for 
08-24 08:18:42.335: I/MeshService(1344): log: Setting up IP config
08-24 08:18:42.445: W/BackupManagerService(189): dataChanged but no 
participant pkg='com.android.providers.settings' uid=10059
08-24 08:18:42.484: W/BackupManagerService(189): dataChanged but no 
participant pkg='com.android.providers.settings' uid=10059
08-24 08:18:42.554: W/BackupManagerService(189): dataChanged but no 
participant pkg='com.android.providers.settings' uid=10059
08-24 08:18:42.593: W/BackupManagerService(189): dataChanged but no 
participant pkg='com.android.providers.settings' uid=10059
08-24 08:18:42.632: W/BackupManagerService(189): dataChanged but no 
participant pkg='com.android.providers.settings' uid=10059
08-24 08:18:42.726: I/MeshService(1344): log: Aquiring wifi lock
08-24 08:18:42.726: W/BackupManagerService(189): dataChanged but no 
participant pkg='com.android.providers.settings' uid=10059
08-24 08:18:42.734: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:18:42.742: W/System.err(1344): Couldn't get I/O for socket to
08-24 08:18:42.742: I/MeshService(1344): env var: ANDROID_SOCKET_zygote=10
08-24 08:18:42.742: I/MeshService(1344): env var: ANDROID_BOOTLOGO=1
08-24 08:18:42.742: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:18:42.742: I/MeshService(1344): env var: ANDROID_ASSETS=/system/app
08-24 08:18:42.742: I/MeshService(1344): env var: ASEC_MOUNTPOINT=/mnt/asec
08-24 08:18:42.750: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:18:42.750: I/MeshService(1344): env var: LOOP_MOUNTPOINT=/mnt/obb
08-24 08:18:42.750: I/MeshService(1344): env var: ANDROID_DATA=/data
08-24 08:18:42.750: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:18:42.750: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:18:42.750: I/MeshService(1344): env var: ANDROID_ROOT=/system
08-24 08:18:42.750: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:18:42.750: I/MeshService(1344): env var: brncl_adhoc_ip=
08-24 08:18:42.750: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:18:42.750: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:18:42.757: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:18:42.757: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:18:42.757: I/MeshService(1344): env var: brncl_lan_channel=5
08-24 08:18:42.757: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:18:42.757: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:18:42.796: E/su(1366): sudb - Opening database
08-24 08:18:42.796: E/su(1366): sudb - Database opened
08-24 08:18:42.804: E/su(1366): sudb - Database closed
08-24 08:18:42.929: D/AndroidRuntime(1370): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START 
com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<<
08-24 08:18:42.929: D/AndroidRuntime(1370): CheckJNI is OFF
08-24 08:18:43.078: D/AndroidRuntime(1370): Calling main entry 
08-24 08:18:43.085: I/ActivityManager(189): START {flg=0x10000000 
cmp=com.noshufou.android.su/.SuRequestActivity (has extras)} from pid 884
08-24 08:18:43.125: D/AndroidRuntime(1370): Shutting down VM
08-24 08:18:43.132: D/dalvikvm(1370): GC_CONCURRENT freed 102K, 88% free 
491K/4096K, paused 0ms+1ms
08-24 08:18:43.132: D/jdwp(1370): Got wake-up signal, bailing out of select
08-24 08:18:43.132: D/dalvikvm(1370): Debugger has detached; object 
registry had 1 entries
08-24 08:18:43.179: D/dalvikvm(189): GC_CONCURRENT freed 487K, 12% free 
16216K/18375K, paused 3ms+4ms
08-24 08:18:43.625: W/ActivityManager(189): Activity pause timeout for 
ActivityRecord{41a85578 net.commotionwireless.meshtether/.StatusActivity}
08-24 08:18:43.695: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): INT32:PROTO VERSION = 0
08-24 08:18:43.695: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): UINT32:FIELD7MAX = 4096
08-24 08:18:43.695: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): UINT32:FIELD9MAX = 131072
08-24 08:18:43.695: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): UINT32:CALLER = 10059
08-24 08:18:43.695: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): UINT32:TO = 0
08-24 08:18:43.695: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): UINT32:EXESIZE = 33
08-24 08:18:43.695: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): STRING:EXE = 
08-24 08:18:43.695: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): UINT32:CMDSIZE = 95
08-24 08:18:43.695: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): STRING:CMD = 
08-24 08:18:43.750: V/PhoneStatusBar(269): setLightsOn(true)
08-24 08:18:43.765: D/libEGL(884): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
08-24 08:18:43.773: D/libEGL(884): loaded 
08-24 08:18:43.781: D/libEGL(884): loaded 
08-24 08:18:43.789: D/libEGL(884): loaded 
08-24 08:18:43.882: D/OpenGLRenderer(884): Enabling debug mode 0
08-24 08:18:44.046: I/ActivityManager(189): Displayed 
com.noshufou.android.su/.SuRequestActivity: +426ms
08-24 08:18:46.804: D/Su.Util(884): Start PermissionsDbService
08-24 08:18:46.851: I/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): Sending result: 
socket:ALLOW for UID: 10059
08-24 08:18:46.906: V/PhoneStatusBar(269): setLightsOn(true)
08-24 08:18:46.906: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): onHandleIntent()
08-24 08:18:46.921: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): permissions.sqlite 
08-24 08:18:46.921: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): got cursor from su.db
08-24 08:18:46.921: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): row 2 dirty, handle it
08-24 08:18:46.921: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): Updating 
permissions.sqlite for Mesh Tether
08-24 08:18:46.921: D/OpenGLRenderer(884): Flushing caches (mode 0)
08-24 08:18:47.000: D/AndroidRuntime(1384): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START 
com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<<
08-24 08:18:47.000: D/AndroidRuntime(1384): CheckJNI is OFF
08-24 08:18:47.007: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): completed update
08-24 08:18:47.007: D/Su.PermissionsProvider(884): Row not dirty, don't 
update permissions.sqlite
08-24 08:18:47.046: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): updated su.db as clean
08-24 08:18:47.046: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): row 1 dirty, handle it
08-24 08:18:47.046: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): closing 
08-24 08:18:47.164: D/AndroidRuntime(1384): Calling main entry 
08-24 08:18:47.179: D/AndroidRuntime(1384): Shutting down VM
08-24 08:18:47.179: D/dalvikvm(1384): GC_CONCURRENT freed 102K, 88% free 
491K/4096K, paused 1ms+0ms
08-24 08:18:47.187: D/dalvikvm(1384): Debugger has detached; object 
registry had 1 entries
08-24 08:18:47.414: D/su(1366): 10059 net.commotionwireless.meshtether 
executing 0 /system/bin/sh 
& using shell /system/bin/sh : sh
08-24 08:18:47.414: I/System(1344): Failed to destroy process 1366
08-24 08:18:47.421: I/System(1344): libcore.io.ErrnoException: kill 
failed: ESRCH (No such process)
08-24 08:18:47.421: I/System(1344): at libcore.io.Posix.kill(Native Method)
08-24 08:18:47.421: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:18:47.421: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:18:47.421: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:18:47.421: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:18:47.421: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:18:47.421: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:18:47.421: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:18:47.421: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:18:47.421: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:18:47.421: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:18:47.421: I/System(1344): at 
java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
08-24 08:18:47.421: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:18:47.421: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:18:47.421: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:18:47.421: I/System(1344): at 
dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
08-24 08:18:47.742: W/System.err(1344): Couldn't get I/O for socket to
08-24 08:18:52.750: W/System.err(1344): Couldn't get I/O for socket to
08-24 08:18:56.898: W/ActivityManager(189): Launch timeout has expired, 
giving up wake lock!
08-24 08:18:56.906: W/ActivityManager(189): Activity idle timeout for 
ActivityRecord{41a85578 net.commotionwireless.meshtether/.StatusActivity}
08-24 08:18:56.921: D/OpenGLRenderer(884): Flushing caches (mode 1)
08-24 08:18:57.750: W/System.err(1344): Couldn't get I/O for socket to
08-24 08:19:02.750: W/System.err(1344): Couldn't get I/O for socket to
08-24 08:19:02.921: E/su(1401): sudb - Opening database
08-24 08:19:02.921: E/su(1401): sudb - Database opened
08-24 08:19:02.929: E/su(1401): sudb - Database closed
08-24 08:19:02.945: D/dalvikvm(1344): GC_CONCURRENT freed 299K, 3% free 
13489K/13895K, paused 2ms+4ms
08-24 08:19:02.960: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:02.960: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:02.960: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:02.960: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:02.960: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:02.960: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:02.968: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:02.968: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:02.968: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:02.968: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:02.968: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:02.968: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:03.000: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_NETSCHANGE
08-24 08:19:03.054: D/AndroidRuntime(1405): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START 
com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<<
08-24 08:19:03.054: D/AndroidRuntime(1405): CheckJNI is OFF
08-24 08:19:03.226: D/AndroidRuntime(1405): Calling main entry 
08-24 08:19:03.234: I/ActivityManager(189): START {flg=0x10000000 
cmp=com.noshufou.android.su/.SuRequestActivity (has extras)} from pid 884
08-24 08:19:03.281: D/AndroidRuntime(1405): Shutting down VM
08-24 08:19:03.289: I/AndroidRuntime(1405): NOTE: attach of thread 
'Binder Thread #3' failed
08-24 08:19:03.289: D/dalvikvm(1405): GC_CONCURRENT freed 102K, 89% free 
491K/4096K, paused 1ms+1ms
08-24 08:19:03.289: D/dalvikvm(1405): Debugger has detached; object 
registry had 1 entries
08-24 08:19:03.515: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): INT32:PROTO VERSION = 0
08-24 08:19:03.515: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): UINT32:FIELD7MAX = 4096
08-24 08:19:03.515: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): UINT32:FIELD9MAX = 131072
08-24 08:19:03.515: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): UINT32:CALLER = 10059
08-24 08:19:03.515: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): UINT32:TO = 0
08-24 08:19:03.515: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): UINT32:EXESIZE = 33
08-24 08:19:03.515: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): STRING:EXE = 
08-24 08:19:03.515: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): UINT32:CMDSIZE = 56
08-24 08:19:03.515: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): STRING:CMD = 
08-24 08:19:03.554: V/PhoneStatusBar(269): setLightsOn(true)
08-24 08:19:03.640: W/InputManagerService(189): Starting input on 
non-focused client 
(uid=10059 pid=1344)
08-24 08:19:03.703: I/ActivityManager(189): Displayed 
com.noshufou.android.su/.SuRequestActivity: +431ms
08-24 08:19:05.101: D/Su.Util(884): Start PermissionsDbService
08-24 08:19:05.109: I/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): Sending result: 
socket:ALLOW for UID: 10059
08-24 08:19:05.125: D/dalvikvm(884): GC_CONCURRENT freed 268K, 3% free 
12949K/13319K, paused 4ms+3ms
08-24 08:19:05.125: W/CursorWrapperInner(884): Cursor finalized without 
prior close()
08-24 08:19:05.132: W/CursorWrapperInner(884): Cursor finalized without 
prior close()
08-24 08:19:05.156: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): onHandleIntent()
08-24 08:19:05.164: V/PhoneStatusBar(269): setLightsOn(true)
08-24 08:19:05.164: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): permissions.sqlite 
08-24 08:19:05.171: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): got cursor from su.db
08-24 08:19:05.171: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): row 3 dirty, handle it
08-24 08:19:05.171: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): Updating 
permissions.sqlite for Mesh Tether
08-24 08:19:05.187: D/OpenGLRenderer(884): Flushing caches (mode 1)
08-24 08:19:05.218: D/dalvikvm(189): GC_CONCURRENT freed 877K, 12% free 
16218K/18375K, paused 3ms+4ms
08-24 08:19:05.250: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): completed update
08-24 08:19:05.250: D/Su.PermissionsProvider(884): Row not dirty, don't 
update permissions.sqlite
08-24 08:19:05.265: D/AndroidRuntime(1418): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START 
com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<<
08-24 08:19:05.265: D/AndroidRuntime(1418): CheckJNI is OFF
08-24 08:19:05.296: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): updated su.db as clean
08-24 08:19:05.296: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): row 1 dirty, handle it
08-24 08:19:05.296: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): closing 
08-24 08:19:05.429: D/AndroidRuntime(1418): Calling main entry 
08-24 08:19:05.445: D/AndroidRuntime(1418): Shutting down VM
08-24 08:19:05.453: D/dalvikvm(1418): GC_CONCURRENT freed 102K, 88% free 
491K/4096K, paused 2ms+1ms
08-24 08:19:05.453: D/dalvikvm(1418): Debugger has detached; object 
registry had 1 entries
08-24 08:19:05.679: D/su(1401): 10059 net.commotionwireless.meshtether 
executing 0 /data/data/net.commotionwireless.meshtether/app_bin/run 
using shell /system/bin/sh : sh
08-24 08:19:05.726: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_OUTPUT
08-24 08:19:05.726: I/MeshService(1344): log: WIFI: driver loaded
08-24 08:19:05.726: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:05.726: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:06.812: I/olsrd(1438): Writing '1' (was 0) to 
08-24 08:19:06.812: I/olsrd(1438): Writing '0' (was 1) to 
08-24 08:19:06.812: I/olsrd(1438): Writing '0' (was 0) to 
08-24 08:19:06.828: D/barnacle(1442): WIFI: Could not set freq: Invalid 
08-24 08:19:06.828: D/barnacle(1442): WIFI: Could not set freq: Invalid 
08-24 08:19:06.828: D/barnacle(1442): WIFI: Could not parse /init.rc
08-24 08:19:06.828: D/barnacle(1442): WIFI: Found service: 
'/system/bin/wpa_supplicant -Dnl80211 -iwlan0 
-puse_p2p_group_interface=1 -e/data/misc/wifi/entropy.bin' socket: 
'wpa_wlan0 dgram 660 wifi wifi'
08-24 08:19:06.828: D/barnacle(1442): WIFI: Created socket 
'/dev/socket/wpa_wlan0' with mode '660', user '1010', group '1010'
08-24 08:19:06.828: D/barnacle(1442): WIFI: wpa_supplicant custom-started
08-24 08:19:06.828: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_OUTPUT
08-24 08:19:06.835: I/MeshService(1344): log: WIFI: wpa_supplicant started
08-24 08:19:06.835: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:06.835: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:06.835: E/WifiHW(1442): Unable to open connection to 
supplicant on "": No such file or directory
08-24 08:19:06.937: E/WifiHW(1442): Unable to open connection to 
supplicant on "": No such file or directory
08-24 08:19:07.039: E/WifiHW(1442): Unable to open connection to 
supplicant on "": No such file or directory
08-24 08:19:07.140: D/barnacle(1442): WIFI: stopping wpa_supplicant
08-24 08:19:07.140: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_ERROR
08-24 08:19:07.140: I/MeshService(1344): log: WIFI: Failed to connect to 
supplicant: No such file or directory
08-24 08:19:07.140: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:07.148: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:07.359: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_OUTPUT
08-24 08:19:07.367: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_ERROR
08-24 08:19:07.367: I/MeshService(1344): log: Stopped unexpectedly!
08-24 08:19:07.367: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:07.414: E/su(1448): sudb - Opening database
08-24 08:19:07.414: E/su(1448): sudb - Database opened
08-24 08:19:07.414: E/su(1448): sudb - Database closed
08-24 08:19:07.539: D/AndroidRuntime(1450): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START 
com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<<
08-24 08:19:07.539: D/AndroidRuntime(1450): CheckJNI is OFF
08-24 08:19:07.757: W/System.err(1344): Couldn't get I/O for socket to
08-24 08:19:07.859: D/AndroidRuntime(1450): Calling main entry 
08-24 08:19:07.867: I/ActivityManager(189): START {flg=0x10000000 
cmp=com.noshufou.android.su/.SuRequestActivity (has extras)} from pid 884
08-24 08:19:07.929: D/AndroidRuntime(1450): Shutting down VM
08-24 08:19:07.937: I/AndroidRuntime(1450): NOTE: attach of thread 
'Binder Thread #3' failed
08-24 08:19:07.937: D/dalvikvm(1450): GC_CONCURRENT freed 102K, 88% free 
491K/4096K, paused 1ms+1ms
08-24 08:19:07.937: D/jdwp(1450): Got wake-up signal, bailing out of select
08-24 08:19:07.937: D/dalvikvm(1450): Debugger has detached; object 
registry had 1 entries
08-24 08:19:08.421: W/ActivityManager(189): Activity pause timeout for 
ActivityRecord{41a85578 net.commotionwireless.meshtether/.StatusActivity}
08-24 08:19:08.468: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): INT32:PROTO VERSION = 0
08-24 08:19:08.468: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): UINT32:FIELD7MAX = 4096
08-24 08:19:08.468: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): UINT32:FIELD9MAX = 131072
08-24 08:19:08.468: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): UINT32:CALLER = 10059
08-24 08:19:08.468: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): UINT32:TO = 0
08-24 08:19:08.468: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): UINT32:EXESIZE = 17
08-24 08:19:08.468: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): STRING:EXE = 
08-24 08:19:08.468: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): UINT32:CMDSIZE = 16
08-24 08:19:08.468: D/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): STRING:CMD = 
08-24 08:19:08.484: V/PhoneStatusBar(269): setLightsOn(true)
08-24 08:19:08.617: I/ActivityManager(189): Displayed 
com.noshufou.android.su/.SuRequestActivity: +194ms
08-24 08:19:10.101: D/Su.Util(884): Start PermissionsDbService
08-24 08:19:10.109: I/Su.SuRequestActivity(884): Sending result: 
socket:ALLOW for UID: 10059
08-24 08:19:10.187: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): onHandleIntent()
08-24 08:19:10.187: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): permissions.sqlite 
08-24 08:19:10.195: V/PhoneStatusBar(269): setLightsOn(true)
08-24 08:19:10.203: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): got cursor from su.db
08-24 08:19:10.203: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): row 4 dirty, handle it
08-24 08:19:10.203: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): Updating 
permissions.sqlite for Mesh Tether
08-24 08:19:10.210: D/OpenGLRenderer(884): Flushing caches (mode 0)
08-24 08:19:10.273: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): completed update
08-24 08:19:10.273: D/Su.PermissionsProvider(884): Row not dirty, don't 
update permissions.sqlite
08-24 08:19:10.273: D/AndroidRuntime(1463): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START 
com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<<
08-24 08:19:10.273: D/AndroidRuntime(1463): CheckJNI is OFF
08-24 08:19:10.312: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): updated su.db as clean
08-24 08:19:10.312: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): row 1 dirty, handle it
08-24 08:19:10.312: D/Su.PermissionsDbService(884): closing 
08-24 08:19:10.453: D/AndroidRuntime(1463): Calling main entry 
08-24 08:19:10.468: D/AndroidRuntime(1463): Shutting down VM
08-24 08:19:10.468: I/AndroidRuntime(1463): NOTE: attach of thread 
'Binder Thread #3' failed
08-24 08:19:10.476: D/dalvikvm(1463): GC_CONCURRENT freed 102K, 89% free 
491K/4096K, paused 0ms+1ms
08-24 08:19:10.476: D/jdwp(1463): Got wake-up signal, bailing out of select
08-24 08:19:10.476: D/dalvikvm(1463): Debugger has detached; object 
registry had 1 entries
08-24 08:19:10.695: D/su(1448): 10059 /system/bin/mksh executing 0 
./do_stop_olsrd using shell /system/bin/sh : sh
08-24 08:19:10.757: I/System(1344): Failed to destroy process 1445
08-24 08:19:10.765: I/System(1344): libcore.io.ErrnoException: kill 
failed: ESRCH (No such process)
08-24 08:19:10.765: I/System(1344): at libcore.io.Posix.kill(Native Method)
08-24 08:19:10.765: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.765: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.765: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.765: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.765: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.765: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.765: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.765: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.765: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.765: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.765: I/System(1344): at 
java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
08-24 08:19:10.765: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.765: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.765: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.765: I/System(1344): at 
dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
08-24 08:19:10.765: I/System(1344): Failed to destroy process 1401
08-24 08:19:10.773: I/System(1344): libcore.io.ErrnoException: kill 
failed: ESRCH (No such process)
08-24 08:19:10.773: I/System(1344): at libcore.io.Posix.kill(Native Method)
08-24 08:19:10.773: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.773: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.773: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.773: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.773: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.773: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.773: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.773: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.773: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.773: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.773: I/System(1344): at 
java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
08-24 08:19:10.773: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.773: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.773: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:19:10.773: I/System(1344): at 
dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
08-24 08:19:10.773: I/MeshService(1344): Wifi Process exited with status: 0
08-24 08:19:10.773: I/MeshService(1344): log: Disconnecting from 
08-24 08:19:10.781: I/MeshService(1344): log: Releasing wifi lock
08-24 08:19:10.781: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG_DISMISS
08-24 08:19:10.812: D/MeshTetherApp(1344): notifying error
08-24 08:19:10.820: W/MeshTetherApp(1344): processStopped
08-24 08:19:10.835: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG_DISMISS
08-24 08:19:10.835: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:10.835: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:10.851: W/MeshTetherApp(1344): processStopped
08-24 08:19:10.851: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG_DISMISS
08-24 08:19:10.890: W/MeshTetherApp(1344): processStopped
08-24 08:19:10.898: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG_DISMISS
08-24 08:19:10.898: W/MeshTetherApp(1344): processStopped
08-24 08:19:10.898: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG_DISMISS
08-24 08:19:10.906: W/MeshTetherApp(1344): processStopped
08-24 08:19:10.906: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG_DISMISS
08-24 08:19:10.906: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:10.906: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:10.914: W/MeshTetherApp(1344): processStopped
08-24 08:19:10.914: D/dalvikvm(269): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 74K, 5% free 
14362K/14983K, paused 29ms
08-24 08:19:10.914: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG_DISMISS
08-24 08:19:10.914: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:10.914: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:19:10.914: I/dalvikvm-heap(269): Grow heap (frag case) to 
14.185MB for 109416-byte allocation
08-24 08:19:10.921: W/MeshTetherApp(1344): processStopped
08-24 08:19:10.921: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG_DISMISS
08-24 08:19:10.937: D/dalvikvm(269): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 6K, 5% free 
14462K/15111K, paused 20ms
08-24 08:19:10.992: W/MeshTetherApp(1344): processStopped
08-24 08:19:11.281: D/OpenGLRenderer(884): Flushing caches (mode 1)
08-24 08:19:12.757: W/System.err(1344): Couldn't get I/O for socket to
08-24 08:19:17.757: W/System.err(1344): Couldn't get I/O for socket to
08-24 08:19:22.765: W/System.err(1344): Couldn't get I/O for socket to

After disabling wpa_supplicant (starting mesh service second time):
08-24 08:20:07.742: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:07.789: W/MeshTetherApp(1344): serviceStarted
08-24 08:20:07.867: D/dalvikvm(189): GC_EXPLICIT freed 545K, 6% free 
17488K/18567K, paused 7ms+5ms
08-24 08:20:07.890: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_START
08-24 08:20:07.890: I/MeshService(1344): log: Starting 
08-24 08:20:07.890: I/MeshService(1344): log: Unpacking assets…
08-24 08:20:07.960: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
deleting /data/data/net.commotionwireless.meshtether/app_bin/busybox
08-24 08:20:07.976: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
08-24 08:20:07.976: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
08-24 08:20:07.976: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
deleting /data/data/net.commotionwireless.meshtether/app_bin/do_stop_olsrd
08-24 08:20:07.976: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
deleting /data/data/net.commotionwireless.meshtether/app_bin/olsrd
08-24 08:20:08.000: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
deleting /data/data/net.commotionwireless.meshtether/app_bin/olsrd.conf
08-24 08:20:08.000: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
08-24 08:20:08.007: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
08-24 08:20:08.007: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
08-24 08:20:08.015: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
08-24 08:20:08.015: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
08-24 08:20:08.023: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
08-24 08:20:08.023: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
08-24 08:20:08.031: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
08-24 08:20:08.039: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
08-24 08:20:08.039: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
08-24 08:20:08.046: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
08-24 08:20:08.046: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
deleting /data/data/net.commotionwireless.meshtether/app_bin/run
08-24 08:20:08.046: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
deleting /data/data/net.commotionwireless.meshtether/app_bin/script_aria
08-24 08:20:08.054: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
deleting /data/data/net.commotionwireless.meshtether/app_bin/script_hero
08-24 08:20:08.054: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
deleting /data/data/net.commotionwireless.meshtether/app_bin/script_samsung
08-24 08:20:08.070: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
deleting /data/data/net.commotionwireless.meshtether/app_bin/stop_olsrd
08-24 08:20:08.070: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
deleting /data/data/net.commotionwireless.meshtether/app_bin/su_c
08-24 08:20:08.070: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): DebiHelper.unzipDebiFiles() 
deleting /data/data/net.commotionwireless.meshtether/app_bin/wifi
08-24 08:20:08.078: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:20:08.078: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:20:08.078: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:20:08.078: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:20:08.078: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:20:08.078: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:20:08.078: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:20:08.078: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:20:08.085: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:20:08.085: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:20:08.085: I/NativeHelper(1344): chmod 0750 
08-24 08:20:08.101: V/NativeHelper(1344): busybox test file exists: 
08-24 08:20:08.101: D/dalvikvm(1344): GC_CONCURRENT freed 443K, 4% free 
13484K/14023K, paused 3ms+6ms
08-24 08:20:08.101: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_NETSCHANGE
08-24 08:20:08.117: I/MeshService(1344): log: No active WAN interface found
08-24 08:20:08.117: I/MeshService(1344): log: Enabling wifi for 
08-24 08:20:08.132: I/MeshService(1344): log: Setting up IP config
08-24 08:20:08.148: I/MeshService(1344): log: Aquiring wifi lock
08-24 08:20:08.148: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:08.156: I/MeshService(1344): env var: ANDROID_SOCKET_zygote=10
08-24 08:20:08.156: I/MeshService(1344): env var: ANDROID_BOOTLOGO=1
08-24 08:20:08.156: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:20:08.156: I/MeshService(1344): env var: ANDROID_ASSETS=/system/app
08-24 08:20:08.156: I/MeshService(1344): env var: ASEC_MOUNTPOINT=/mnt/asec
08-24 08:20:08.156: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:20:08.156: I/MeshService(1344): env var: LOOP_MOUNTPOINT=/mnt/obb
08-24 08:20:08.156: I/MeshService(1344): env var: ANDROID_DATA=/data
08-24 08:20:08.156: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:20:08.156: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:20:08.156: I/MeshService(1344): env var: ANDROID_ROOT=/system
08-24 08:20:08.156: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:20:08.156: I/MeshService(1344): env var: brncl_adhoc_ip=
08-24 08:20:08.156: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:20:08.164: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:20:08.164: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:20:08.164: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:20:08.164: I/MeshService(1344): env var: brncl_lan_channel=5
08-24 08:20:08.164: I/MeshService(1344): env var: brncl_lan_wext=1
08-24 08:20:08.164: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:20:08.164: I/MeshService(1344): env var: 
08-24 08:20:08.195: E/su(1488): sudb - Opening database
08-24 08:20:08.195: E/su(1488): sudb - Database opened
08-24 08:20:08.203: E/su(1488): sudb - Database closed
08-24 08:20:08.320: D/AndroidRuntime(1492): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START 
com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<<
08-24 08:20:08.320: D/AndroidRuntime(1492): CheckJNI is OFF
08-24 08:20:08.484: D/AndroidRuntime(1492): Calling main entry 
08-24 08:20:08.507: D/AndroidRuntime(1492): Shutting down VM
08-24 08:20:08.507: I/AndroidRuntime(1492): NOTE: attach of thread 
'Binder Thread #3' failed
08-24 08:20:08.507: D/dalvikvm(1492): GC_CONCURRENT freed 102K, 88% free 
491K/4096K, paused 1ms+1ms
08-24 08:20:08.515: D/jdwp(1492): Got wake-up signal, bailing out of select
08-24 08:20:08.515: D/dalvikvm(1492): Debugger has detached; object 
registry had 1 entries
08-24 08:20:08.734: D/su(1488): 10059 net.commotionwireless.meshtether 
executing 0 /system/bin/sh 
& using shell /system/bin/sh : sh
08-24 08:20:08.742: I/System(1344): Failed to destroy process 1488
08-24 08:20:08.750: I/System(1344): libcore.io.ErrnoException: kill 
failed: ESRCH (No such process)
08-24 08:20:08.750: I/System(1344): at libcore.io.Posix.kill(Native Method)
08-24 08:20:08.750: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:08.750: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:08.750: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:08.750: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:08.750: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:08.750: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:08.750: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:08.750: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:08.750: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:08.750: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:08.750: I/System(1344): at 
java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
08-24 08:20:08.750: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:08.750: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:08.750: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:08.750: I/System(1344): at 
dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
08-24 08:20:08.796: W/System.err(1344): Couldn't get I/O for socket to
08-24 08:20:13.796: W/System.err(1344): Couldn't get I/O for socket to
08-24 08:20:18.804: W/System.err(1344): Couldn't get I/O for socket to
08-24 08:20:23.804: W/System.err(1344): Couldn't get I/O for socket to
08-24 08:20:24.226: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:24.226: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:24.226: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:24.226: E/su(1508): sudb - Opening database
08-24 08:20:24.226: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:24.226: E/su(1508): sudb - Database opened
08-24 08:20:24.226: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:24.226: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:24.234: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:24.234: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:24.234: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:24.234: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:24.242: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:24.242: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:24.242: E/su(1508): sudb - Database closed
08-24 08:20:24.265: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_NETSCHANGE
08-24 08:20:24.359: D/AndroidRuntime(1512): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START 
com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<<
08-24 08:20:24.359: D/AndroidRuntime(1512): CheckJNI is OFF
08-24 08:20:24.546: D/AndroidRuntime(1512): Calling main entry 
08-24 08:20:24.562: D/AndroidRuntime(1512): Shutting down VM
08-24 08:20:24.562: D/dalvikvm(1512): GC_CONCURRENT freed 102K, 89% free 
491K/4096K, paused 0ms+0ms
08-24 08:20:24.570: D/jdwp(1512): Got wake-up signal, bailing out of select
08-24 08:20:24.570: D/dalvikvm(1512): Debugger has detached; object 
registry had 1 entries
08-24 08:20:24.804: D/su(1508): 10059 net.commotionwireless.meshtether 
executing 0 /data/data/net.commotionwireless.meshtether/app_bin/run 
using shell /system/bin/sh : sh
08-24 08:20:24.867: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_OUTPUT
08-24 08:20:24.867: I/MeshService(1344): log: WIFI: driver loaded
08-24 08:20:24.867: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:24.867: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:25.921: I/olsrd(1531): Writing '1' (was 1) to 
08-24 08:20:25.921: I/olsrd(1531): Writing '0' (was 0) to 
08-24 08:20:25.921: I/olsrd(1531): Writing '0' (was 0) to 
08-24 08:20:25.984: D/barnacle(1535): WIFI: Could not set freq: Invalid 
08-24 08:20:25.984: D/barnacle(1535): WIFI: Could not set freq: Invalid 
08-24 08:20:25.984: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_ERROR
08-24 08:20:25.984: I/MeshService(1344): log: WIFI: Could not set ad-hoc 
mode of wlan0: Invalid argument
08-24 08:20:25.984: D/barnacle(1535): WIFI: WLEXT assoc
08-24 08:20:25.992: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_ERROR
08-24 08:20:25.992: I/MeshService(1344): log: WIFI: Could not set bssid 
of wlan0: Invalid argument
08-24 08:20:25.992: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:25.992: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:26.000: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_OUTPUT
08-24 08:20:26.000: I/MeshService(1344): log: Running…
08-24 08:20:26.015: W/MeshTetherApp(1344): processStarted
08-24 08:20:26.023: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_ERROR
08-24 08:20:26.023: I/MeshService(1344): log: WIFI: Could not set ssid 
of wlan0: Invalid argument
08-24 08:20:26.031: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:26.031: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:26.070: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:26.070: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:26.070: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_ASSOC
08-24 08:20:26.078: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_HIDE_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:26.078: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG_DISMISS
08-24 08:20:26.093: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:26.093: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:26.109: D/dalvikvm(269): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 474K, 5% free 
14433K/15111K, paused 19ms
08-24 08:20:28.804: W/System.err(1344): Couldn't get I/O for socket to
08-24 08:20:30.078: D/dalvikvm(1344): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 308K, 4% free 
13542K/14087K, paused 35ms
08-24 08:20:30.929: I/olsrd(1537): olsr.org - 
0.6.3-git_72a8868-hash_8e8b6b0f69ff8927e7285d65829b4322 - successfully 
08-24 08:20:31.335: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_ERROR
08-24 08:20:31.335: I/MeshService(1344): log: Stopped unexpectedly!
08-24 08:20:31.335: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:31.375: E/su(1542): sudb - Opening database
08-24 08:20:31.375: E/su(1542): sudb - Database opened
08-24 08:20:31.382: E/su(1542): sudb - Database closed
08-24 08:20:31.507: D/AndroidRuntime(1544): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START 
com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit <<<<<<
08-24 08:20:31.507: D/AndroidRuntime(1544): CheckJNI is OFF
08-24 08:20:31.679: D/AndroidRuntime(1544): Calling main entry 
08-24 08:20:31.695: D/AndroidRuntime(1544): Shutting down VM
08-24 08:20:31.695: D/dalvikvm(1544): GC_CONCURRENT freed 102K, 89% free 
491K/4096K, paused 1ms+0ms
08-24 08:20:31.695: D/jdwp(1544): Got wake-up signal, bailing out of select
08-24 08:20:31.695: D/dalvikvm(1544): Debugger has detached; object 
registry had 1 entries
08-24 08:20:31.734: D/dalvikvm(884): GC_CONCURRENT freed 445K, 5% free 
12946K/13511K, paused 2ms+4ms
08-24 08:20:31.742: W/CursorWrapperInner(884): Cursor finalized without 
prior close()
08-24 08:20:31.750: W/CursorWrapperInner(884): Cursor finalized without 
prior close()
08-24 08:20:31.921: D/su(1542): 10059 /system/bin/mksh executing 0 
./do_stop_olsrd using shell /system/bin/sh : sh
08-24 08:20:32.000: I/olsrd(1537): olsr.org - 
0.6.3-git_72a8868-hash_8e8b6b0f69ff8927e7285d65829b4322 - stopped
08-24 08:20:32.000: I/System(1344): Failed to destroy process 1539
08-24 08:20:32.007: I/System(1344): libcore.io.ErrnoException: kill 
failed: ESRCH (No such process)
08-24 08:20:32.007: I/System(1344): at libcore.io.Posix.kill(Native Method)
08-24 08:20:32.007: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.007: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.007: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.007: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.007: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.007: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.007: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.007: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.007: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.007: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.007: I/System(1344): at 
java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
08-24 08:20:32.007: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.007: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.007: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.007: I/System(1344): at 
dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
08-24 08:20:32.007: I/System(1344): Failed to destroy process 1508
08-24 08:20:32.023: I/System(1344): libcore.io.ErrnoException: kill 
failed: ESRCH (No such process)
08-24 08:20:32.023: I/System(1344): at libcore.io.Posix.kill(Native Method)
08-24 08:20:32.023: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.023: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.023: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.023: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.023: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.023: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.023: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.023: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.023: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.023: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.023: I/System(1344): at 
java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
08-24 08:20:32.023: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.023: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.023: I/System(1344): at 
08-24 08:20:32.023: I/System(1344): at 
dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
08-24 08:20:32.023: I/MeshService(1344): Wifi Process exited with status: 0
08-24 08:20:32.023: I/MeshService(1344): log: Disconnecting from 
08-24 08:20:32.023: I/MeshService(1344): log: Releasing wifi lock
08-24 08:20:32.023: E/WifiStateMachine(189): set suspend optimizations 
08-24 08:20:32.023: E/WifiStateMachine(189): set power mode auto failed!
08-24 08:20:32.031: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG_DISMISS
08-24 08:20:32.062: D/MeshTetherApp(1344): notifying error
08-24 08:20:32.070: W/MeshTetherApp(1344): processStopped
08-24 08:20:32.070: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG_DISMISS
08-24 08:20:32.070: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_OUTPUT
08-24 08:20:32.070: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:32.070: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:32.085: W/MeshTetherApp(1344): processStopped
08-24 08:20:32.093: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG_DISMISS
08-24 08:20:32.140: W/MeshTetherApp(1344): processStopped
08-24 08:20:32.148: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG_DISMISS
08-24 08:20:32.148: W/MeshTetherApp(1344): processStopped
08-24 08:20:32.156: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG_DISMISS
08-24 08:20:32.156: W/MeshTetherApp(1344): processStopped
08-24 08:20:32.156: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG_DISMISS
08-24 08:20:32.156: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:32.164: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:32.164: W/MeshTetherApp(1344): processStopped
08-24 08:20:32.164: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG_DISMISS
08-24 08:20:32.164: I/MeshService(1344): handle MSG_SHOW_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:32.164: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG
08-24 08:20:32.187: W/MeshTetherApp(1344): processStopped
08-24 08:20:32.187: I/MeshTetherApp(1344): MSG_PROGRESSDIALOG_DISMISS
08-24 08:20:32.265: W/MeshTetherApp(1344): processStopped
08-24 08:20:33.804: W/System.err(1344): Couldn't get I/O for socket to
08-24 08:20:37.414: W/InputManagerService(189): Window already focused, 
ignoring focus gain of: 
08-24 08:20:38.812: W/System.err(1344): Couldn't get I/O for socket to


Am 22.08.2012 22:57, schrieb Hans-Christoph Steiner:
> Commotion MeshTether is an Android app that aims to make it possible to
> connect to OLSR meshes with a single click of a button.  It comes
> configured for the Commotion mesh by default, but can be entirely
> configured, and can have multiple mesh "profiles" to choose from.
> There are two information tabs: Links and Info.  Links shows all of the
> first-hop links and Info shows the entire wifi config and olsrd.conf
> settings.  Additionally, you can share/email debug information from the
> app's menu.
> Its working pretty well on the Nexus One I'm using for testing.  I've
> also tried the HTC Wildfire, Motorola Droid, and HTC myTouch 3G.
> The mesh profiles are implemented like this:
> - (default) uses the wifi/ip settings from the preferences and the
>    olsrd.conf that is included in the app
> - the rest are scanned from the file system in two places:
>      * in the app's app_bin/ folder
>      * /mnt/sdcard/MeshTether (i.e. the MeshTether folder on the SD card)
> - the scanner looks in those folders for *.properties files and takes
>    the filename as the profile name (i.e. myprofile.properties will be
>    linked to the "myprofile" item in the profiles menu)
> - if there is also a myprofile.conf next to the myprofile.properties
>    then it will use that as the olsrd.conf. otherwise, it'll use the
>    included olsrd.conf
> - the properties options are:
>      ssid=commotionwireless.net
>      bssid=02:CA:FF:EE:BA:BE
>      channel=5
>      ip=
>      ipgenerate=true
>      netmask=
>      dns=
> - all are required, except 'ipgenerate', which marks the 'ip' as the
>    root for the IP generation algorithm.  If 'ipgenerate' is unset or
>    not 'true', then the 'ip' is used as is.
> Here's a test apk:
> https://guardianproject.info/builds/CommotionMeshTether/2012-08-22/
> md5: 176008560f00d8cef65f0e3e781884e1
> sha1: b9151fb635185880007411fd49e8ab5b254ad750
> Give it a whirl and let us know how it works for you!
> .hc

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