[Olsr-dev] Software productivity // advertisement supported software. ---- which list should I go to

Erach (spam-protected)
Mon Jul 28 16:42:37 CEST 2008

Thanks for replying to my message.
I graduated with a PhD in Artificial Intelligence in 1993 ----- and
gave up hope that the computer would ever be "intelligent".
But what if we settle for "increases in software productivity to match
hardware speeds instead".

I mean ---- I can come up with a sound, competitive business idea in 2
minutes.  But then it takes huge teams of programmers, either in
open-source, or commercial to convert it into practise.

(the typesetter by Donald Knuth).  I wonder, if we write programs that
computers should understand -------- so that computers can understand
the incorrectness of our specifications, or so that humans can
communicate in computer specifications, and improve them --------- is
it too much to say that will be more easier than fixing code of C++ or
other languages.
(The computer languages I know in reverse order are C++, Prolog, SAP's
ABAP, MRL, FRL, Assembler 6800 and 68000, COBOL in school, Perl, LISP,
Ada, C, perhaps rudimentary Visual Basic, some Excel programming, yes
Machine Language programming).

Now, we are discussing code ---- but the computer hardware is
operating at 2.5 GHZ or so in QUAD FOUR CPU's ---- and in 2 years time
or 5 years time, it will be probably still at 2.5 GHz or is it 1.8 GHz

So the only bug-free program I've heard of is TEX --------- by Donald
Knuth written in WEB (yes, that was the name of the language).

Now, can we communicate in specifications -------- or how do we
improve programmer productivity.
I mean -------- suppose I have a team of 2 fresher programmers for 2
years --------- can I get a mini-point-of-sale program and a mini
financial accounting package. ---- somebody would say yes ------ but
think hard, for a small business we need a mini-ERP program like SAP,
a point of sale program, and a financial accounting program ---------
and these are customized differently all over the world.

Now, SAP, has a prolog like thing or a rule-like thing for writing
pricing rules, then it has NO GOTOs, then it has an object oriented
language (brought on by industry pressure which I never managed to
learn), then it has a way to document its functions (in German/but
SAP-USA does in English I guess), then it has GUIs
have you heard of an integrated open source package having this. -----
LINUX and the open-source revolution (also see sourceforge) has
several open source programs -------- sourceforge has many abandoned.
How does one boost software productivity using LINUX code.

Remember, the computer can never perceive --- but if we program in a
functional language (10 times slower than LISP which is 10 times
slower than C) and the computer is operating at 1.3 GHz in a HEX 16
CPU five years later, does it matter.

I read that Microsoft is having a competition of SAT (SAT is
NP-complete or NP-hard I think) on multi-core CPUs.

When I programmed in SAP / ABAP/4 we could do only 100 lines of code
in a month ---- we had to study the code so much.
---------- so don't program for getting the job done, program for
getting the computer to get the job done (a higher level compiler,

Now, you have wikipedia, dbpedia.org (a semantic web of wikipedia and
other data-sets),
>   1. Re: Advertisement supported software like TALLY/ERP. The  Rs
>      1000 computer in 5 years. ebay.com used notebook prices. OLSR
>      (Henning Rogge)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 08:19:31 +0200
> From: Henning Rogge <(spam-protected)>
> Subject: Re: [Olsr-dev] Advertisement supported software like
>        TALLY/ERP. The  Rs 1000 computer in 5 years. ebay.com used notebook
>        prices. OLSR
> To: (spam-protected)
> Message-ID: <(spam-protected)>
> Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"
> Am Sonntag 27 Juli 2008 07:27:15 schrieb Erach:
>> Hi,
>> I told a friend of mine that India will have the Rs 5,000 computer in 5
>> years. He said, "Lamington Road (Mumbai) will have the Rs 1,000 computer in
>> 5 years". Even now, ebay.com is selling used notebooks for USD 250 in lots
>> of 50 or so.
>> OLSR networking with a range of 550 meters on the XO laptop is selling
>> for USD 125 to USD 300 or so on ebay.com (guaranteed unsubsidized).
>> Now, can we have the following advertisement supported software
>> ------------ advertisement supported substitute for TALLY
>> advertisement supported substitute for an ERP software
>> How difficult is it (and how expensive) to get the advertisement
>> supported software ?
> I'm not sure I understand what you want.
> Henning
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> Diplom Informatiker Henning Rogge
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