[Olsr-dev] More Patches comitted

Bernd Petrovitsch (spam-protected)
Thu Sep 13 18:35:31 CEST 2007

Hi all!

I just commited to CVS-HEAD:
- http://gredler.at/download/olsrd/lsdb-refactoring-2.diff.gz by Hannes
  Again changes to the routing core to reduce to avoid maintaining
  information. This saves (again) especially lots of malloc()s and free()s.

- Update of the dyn_gw plugin the interface version 5.
  Please test and report success or failure whoever actually uses this!

- http://download-master.berlin.freifunk.net/sven-ola/nylon/packages/olsrd/files/104-olsrd-policy-routing.patch
  by Sven-Ola Tücke (which was since months in FreiFunkFirmware). The only
  (trivial) modification were by me to use "#if" instead of "#ifdef".[0]

  On Linux, OLSRD now uses netlink sockets for route manipulation
(unless you
  change something in src/olsr_cfg.h to reactivate the old behaviour)
and we
  can put the OLSRD managed routes into a separate routing table. This
  the advantage/feature that
  - "ip route flush table $NR" removes all left-over routes (if you
     to produce a crash during development) and
  - one can use policy routing with "ip rule add from $OLSR_NETWORK
table $NR"
    (as I do at home) to route packets from the "OLSR-net" completely
    to the other (NATted and not NATted) networks/default routes/....

More text on these can be found in the CHANGELOG (which was also fixed).

Known issues with CVS-HEAD:
- Compiling on 64bit gives a warning.
- The (infamous?) LQ-calculation with "winsize % 4 != 0".
- The Quagga plugin is the last with the old interface.


[0]: Since it is more robust against typos. Or am I the only one who
mistypes regularly?
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