[olsr-dev] IEEE mesh and OLSR

Bernd Petrovitsch (spam-protected)
Thu Oct 5 17:31:05 CEST 2006

On Thu, 2006-10-05 at 11:10 +0900, giuseppe wrote:
> Hey folks!
> Did you hear that the new IEEE 802.11s and 802.16 are being introducing
> a MAC
> layer for mesh networks? It sounds like that the MAC layer will embed also

Basically yes. But I don't know much more (and especially no tech
details) .....

> routing capabilities, in particular it will exploit characteristics of
> both AODV and
> OLSR. In this standardization scenario, is it still worth continuing
> research on OLSR?

Do you mean "research on algorithms usable for the routing
problems" (having them on layer 2 or 3) or "development of the
implementation on RFC3626"?

For the first: 802.11s will have similar problems like OLSR, AODV and
the bunch of other WLAN rotuing protocols. So yes, IMHO it makes sense.

For the last: How far is the process?
First you need a standard, second you need (working) layer 2
implementations in products and then you have to deploy it into current
The whole usually takes years and I have no idea how e.g. 802.11s could
be deployed into e.g. the currently FunkFeuer network with ~80 nodes
ATM. BTW you can forget all strategies/solutions which include, assume
or need "update lots of nodes" (let alone "all nodes"), "reassign IP
addresses" or similar since this is too much administrative hassle.

Do you have a link to some introduction document to the above standards?

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