[Olsr-cvs] olsrd-current/lib/bmf/src Address.c, 1.6, 1.7 Address.h, 1.5, 1.6 NetworkInterfaces.c, 1.7, 1.8 NetworkInterfaces.h, 1.5, 1.6

Bernd Petrovitsch (spam-protected)
Wed Sep 12 01:22:40 CEST 2007

Update of /cvsroot/olsrd/olsrd-current/lib/bmf/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs3.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv12918/lib/bmf/src

Modified Files:
	Address.c Address.h NetworkInterfaces.c NetworkInterfaces.h 
Log Message:
* fixed missing "addon" parameter and "unused" warnings

Index: Address.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/olsrd/olsrd-current/lib/bmf/src/Address.c,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -C2 -d -r1.6 -r1.7
*** Address.c	11 Sep 2007 23:08:20 -0000	1.6
--- Address.c	11 Sep 2007 23:22:38 -0000	1.7
*** 64,72 ****
   * Input      : enable - either "yes" or "no"
   *              data - not used
   * Output     : none
   * Return     : success (0) or fail (1)
   * Data Used  : none
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
! int DoLocalBroadcast(const char* enable, void* data)
    if (strcmp(enable, "yes") == 0)
--- 64,73 ----
   * Input      : enable - either "yes" or "no"
   *              data - not used
+  *              addon - not used
   * Output     : none
   * Return     : success (0) or fail (1)
   * Data Used  : none
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
! int DoLocalBroadcast(const char* enable, void* data __attribute__((unused)), unsigned int addon  __attribute__((unused)))
    if (strcmp(enable, "yes") == 0)

Index: Address.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/olsrd/olsrd-current/lib/bmf/src/Address.h,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -C2 -d -r1.5 -r1.6
*** Address.h	11 Sep 2007 23:08:20 -0000	1.5
--- Address.h	11 Sep 2007 23:22:38 -0000	1.6
*** 48,52 ****
  extern int EnableLocalBroadcast;
! int DoLocalBroadcast(const char* enable, void* data);
  int IsMulticast(union olsr_ip_addr* ipAddress);
  int IsOlsrOrBmfPacket(unsigned char* ipPacket);
--- 48,52 ----
  extern int EnableLocalBroadcast;
! int DoLocalBroadcast(const char* enable, void* data, unsigned int addon);
  int IsMulticast(union olsr_ip_addr* ipAddress);
  int IsOlsrOrBmfPacket(unsigned char* ipPacket);

Index: NetworkInterfaces.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/olsrd/olsrd-current/lib/bmf/src/NetworkInterfaces.c,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -C2 -d -r1.7 -r1.8
*** NetworkInterfaces.c	11 Sep 2007 23:08:20 -0000	1.7
--- NetworkInterfaces.c	11 Sep 2007 23:22:38 -0000	1.8
*** 123,131 ****
   * Input      : ifname - network interface name (e.g. "mybmf0")
   *              data - not used
   * Output     : none
   * Return     : success (0) or fail (1)
   * Data Used  : EtherTunTapIfName
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
! int SetBmfInterfaceName(const char* ifname, void* data)
    strncpy(EtherTunTapIfName, ifname, IFNAMSIZ - 1);
--- 123,132 ----
   * Input      : ifname - network interface name (e.g. "mybmf0")
   *              data - not used
+  *              addon - not used
   * Output     : none
   * Return     : success (0) or fail (1)
   * Data Used  : EtherTunTapIfName
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
! int SetBmfInterfaceName(const char* ifname, void* data __attribute__((unused)), unsigned int addon  __attribute__((unused)))
    strncpy(EtherTunTapIfName, ifname, IFNAMSIZ - 1);
*** 140,143 ****
--- 141,145 ----
   * Input      : ip - IP address string, followed by '/' and prefix length
   *              data - not used
+  *              addon - not used
   * Output     : none
   * Return     : success (0) or fail (1)
*** 145,149 ****
   *              TunTapIpOverruled
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
! int SetBmfInterfaceIp(const char* ip, void* data)
  #define IPV4_MAX_ADDRLEN 16
--- 147,151 ----
   *              TunTapIpOverruled
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
! int SetBmfInterfaceIp(const char* ip, void* data __attribute__((unused)), unsigned int addon  __attribute__((unused)))
  #define IPV4_MAX_ADDRLEN 16
*** 210,218 ****
   * Input      : enable - either "yes" or "no"
   *              data - not used
   * Output     : none
   * Return     : success (0) or fail (1)
   * Data Used  : none
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
! int SetCapturePacketsOnOlsrInterfaces(const char* enable, void* data)
    if (strcmp(enable, "yes") == 0)
--- 212,221 ----
   * Input      : enable - either "yes" or "no"
   *              data - not used
+  *              addon - not used
   * Output     : none
   * Return     : success (0) or fail (1)
   * Data Used  : none
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
! int SetCapturePacketsOnOlsrInterfaces(const char* enable, void* data __attribute__((unused)), unsigned int addon  __attribute__((unused)))
    if (strcmp(enable, "yes") == 0)
*** 237,245 ****
   * Input      : mechanism - either "Broadcast" or "UnicastPromiscuous"
   *              data - not used
   * Output     : none
   * Return     : success (0) or fail (1)
   * Data Used  : none
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
! int SetBmfMechanism(const char* mechanism, void* data)
    if (strcmp(mechanism, "Broadcast") == 0)
--- 240,249 ----
   * Input      : mechanism - either "Broadcast" or "UnicastPromiscuous"
   *              data - not used
+  *              addon - not used
   * Output     : none
   * Return     : success (0) or fail (1)
   * Data Used  : none
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
! int SetBmfMechanism(const char* mechanism, void* data __attribute__((unused)), unsigned int addon  __attribute__((unused)))
    if (strcmp(mechanism, "Broadcast") == 0)
*** 1761,1769 ****
   * Input      : ifName - network interface (e.g. "eth0")
   *              data - not used
   * Output     : none
   * Return     : success (0) or fail (1)
   * Data Used  : NonOlsrIfNames
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
! int AddNonOlsrBmfIf(const char* ifName, void* data)
    assert(ifName != NULL);
--- 1765,1774 ----
   * Input      : ifName - network interface (e.g. "eth0")
   *              data - not used
+  *              addon - not used
   * Output     : none
   * Return     : success (0) or fail (1)
   * Data Used  : NonOlsrIfNames
   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
! int AddNonOlsrBmfIf(const char* ifName, void* data __attribute__((unused)), unsigned int addon  __attribute__((unused)))
    assert(ifName != NULL);

Index: NetworkInterfaces.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/olsrd/olsrd-current/lib/bmf/src/NetworkInterfaces.h,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -C2 -d -r1.5 -r1.6
*** NetworkInterfaces.h	11 Sep 2007 23:08:20 -0000	1.5
--- NetworkInterfaces.h	11 Sep 2007 23:22:38 -0000	1.6
*** 121,128 ****
  extern enum TBmfMechanism BmfMechanism;
! int SetBmfInterfaceName(const char* ifname, void* data);
! int SetBmfInterfaceIp(const char* ip, void* data);
! int SetCapturePacketsOnOlsrInterfaces(const char* enable, void* data);
! int SetBmfMechanism(const char* mechanism, void* data);
  int DeactivateSpoofFilter(void);
  void RestoreSpoofFilter(void);
--- 121,128 ----
  extern enum TBmfMechanism BmfMechanism;
! int SetBmfInterfaceName(const char* ifname, void* data, unsigned int addon);
! int SetBmfInterfaceIp(const char* ip, void* data, unsigned int addon);
! int SetCapturePacketsOnOlsrInterfaces(const char* enable, void* data, unsigned int addon);
! int SetBmfMechanism(const char* mechanism, void* data, unsigned int addon);
  int DeactivateSpoofFilter(void);
  void RestoreSpoofFilter(void);
*** 144,148 ****
  void AddInterface(struct interface* newIntf);
  void CloseBmfNetworkInterfaces(void);
! int AddNonOlsrBmfIf(const char* ifName, void* data);
  int IsNonOlsrBmfIf(const char* ifName);
  void CheckAndUpdateLocalBroadcast(unsigned char* ipPacket, union olsr_ip_addr* broadAddr);
--- 144,148 ----
  void AddInterface(struct interface* newIntf);
  void CloseBmfNetworkInterfaces(void);
! int AddNonOlsrBmfIf(const char* ifName, void* data, unsigned int addon);
  int IsNonOlsrBmfIf(const char* ifName);
  void CheckAndUpdateLocalBroadcast(unsigned char* ipPacket, union olsr_ip_addr* broadAddr);

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