[Olsr-cvs] olsrd-current/lib/nameservice/src nameservice.c, 1.27, 1.28 nameservice.h, 1.12, 1.13

Bernd Petrovitsch (spam-protected)
Wed Sep 5 18:11:12 CEST 2007

Update of /cvsroot/olsrd/olsrd-current/lib/nameservice/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs3.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv18959/lib/nameservice/src

Modified Files:
	nameservice.c nameservice.h 
Log Message:
* applied rt-refactoring-6.diff from Hannes Gredler <(spam-protected)>

Index: nameservice.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/olsrd/olsrd-current/lib/nameservice/src/nameservice.h,v
retrieving revision 1.12
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -C2 -d -r1.12 -r1.13
*** nameservice.h	2 Jul 2007 10:59:12 -0000	1.12
--- nameservice.h	5 Sep 2007 16:11:10 -0000	1.13
*** 61,64 ****
--- 61,65 ----
  #define EMISSION_INTERVAL	120 /* two minutes */
  #define NAME_VALID_TIME		1800 /* half one hour */
+ #define NAMESERVER_COUNT        3

Index: nameservice.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/olsrd/olsrd-current/lib/nameservice/src/nameservice.c,v
retrieving revision 1.27
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -C2 -d -r1.27 -r1.28
*** nameservice.c	28 Aug 2007 20:45:17 -0000	1.27
--- nameservice.c	5 Sep 2007 16:11:10 -0000	1.28
*** 100,115 ****
  olsr_bool latlon_table_changed = OLSR_TRUE;
! /* regualar expression to be matched by valid hostnames, compiled in name_init() */
  regex_t regex_t_name;
  regmatch_t regmatch_t_name;
! /* regualar expression to be matched by valid service_lines, compiled in name_init() */
  regex_t regex_t_service;
  int pmatch_service = 10;
  regmatch_t regmatch_t_service[10];
- static void free_routing_table_list(struct rt_entry **list) ;
- static struct rt_entry *host_lookup_routing_table(union olsr_ip_addr *);
   * do initialization
--- 100,112 ----
  olsr_bool latlon_table_changed = OLSR_TRUE;
! /* regular expression to be matched by valid hostnames, compiled in name_init() */
  regex_t regex_t_name;
  regmatch_t regmatch_t_name;
! /* regular expression to be matched by valid service_lines, compiled in name_init() */
  regex_t regex_t_service;
  int pmatch_service = 10;
  regmatch_t regmatch_t_service[10];
   * do initialization
*** 837,841 ****
!  * unpack the received message and delegate to the decapsilation function for each
   * name/service/forwarder entry in the message
--- 834,838 ----
!  * unpack the received message and delegate to the decapsulation function for each
   * name/service/forwarder entry in the message
*** 1077,1080 ****
--- 1074,1115 ----
+  * Sort the nameserver pointer array.
+  *
+  * fresh entries are at the beginning of the array and
+  * the best entry is at the end of the array.
+  */
+ static void
+ select_best_nameserver(struct rt_entry **rt)
+ {
+     int nameserver_idx;
+     struct rt_entry *rt1, *rt2;
+     for (nameserver_idx = 0;
+          nameserver_idx < NAMESERVER_COUNT;
+          nameserver_idx++) {
+         rt1 = rt[nameserver_idx];
+         rt2 = rt[nameserver_idx+1];
+         /*
+          * compare the next two pointers in the array.
+          * if the second pointer is NULL then percolate it up.
+          */
+         if (!rt2 || olsr_cmp_rt(rt1, rt2)) {
+             /*
+              * first is better, swap the pointers.
+              */
+             OLSR_PRINTF(6, "NAME PLUGIN: nameserver %s, etx %.3f\n",
+                         olsr_ip_to_string(&rt1->rt_dst.prefix),
+                         rt1->rt_best->rtp_metric.etx);
+             rt[nameserver_idx] = rt2;
+             rt[nameserver_idx+1] = rt1;
+         }
+     }
+ }
+ /**
   * write the 3 best upstream DNS servers to resolv.conf file
   * best means the 3 with the best etx value in routing table
*** 1084,1098 ****
  	int hash;
! 	struct name_entry *name, *tmp_dns, *last_dns, *dnslist = NULL;
  	struct db_entry *entry;
! 	struct rt_entry *best_routes = NULL;
! 	struct rt_entry *route, *tmp = NULL, *last;
  	FILE* resolv;
  	int i=0;
  	time_t currtime;
  	if (!forwarder_table_changed || my_forwarders != NULL || my_resolv_file[0] == '\0')
  	for (hash = 0; hash < HASHSIZE; hash++) 
--- 1119,1136 ----
  	int hash;
! 	struct name_entry *name;
  	struct db_entry *entry;
! 	struct rt_entry *route;
!     static struct rt_entry *nameserver_routes[NAMESERVER_COUNT+1];
  	FILE* resolv;
  	int i=0;
  	time_t currtime;
  	if (!forwarder_table_changed || my_forwarders != NULL || my_resolv_file[0] == '\0')
+     /* clear the array of 3+1 nameserver routes */
+     memset(nameserver_routes, 0, sizeof(nameserver_routes));
  	for (hash = 0; hash < HASHSIZE; hash++) 
*** 1101,1169 ****
  			for (name = entry->names; name != NULL; name = name->next) 
! 				/* find the nearest one */
! 				route = host_lookup_routing_table(&name->ip);
  				if (route==NULL) // it's possible that route is not present yet
- 				if (best_routes == NULL || route->rt_etx < best_routes->rt_etx) {
- 					OLSR_PRINTF(6, "NAME PLUGIN: best nameserver %s\n",
- 						olsr_ip_to_string(&name->ip));
- 					if (best_routes!=NULL)
- 						OLSR_PRINTF(6, "NAME PLUGIN: better than %f (%s)\n",
- 							best_routes->rt_etx,
- 							olsr_ip_to_string(&best_routes->rt_dst));
- 					tmp = olsr_malloc(sizeof(struct rt_entry), "new rt_entry");
- 					memcpy(&tmp->rt_dst, &route->rt_dst, olsr_cnf->ipsize);
- 					tmp->rt_etx = route->rt_etx;
- 					tmp->next = best_routes;
- 					best_routes = tmp;
- 					tmp_dns = olsr_malloc(sizeof(struct name_entry), "write_resolv name_entry");
- 					COPY_IP(&tmp_dns->ip, &name->ip);
- 					tmp_dns->type = name->type;
- 					tmp_dns->len = 0;
- 					tmp_dns->name = NULL;
- 					tmp_dns->next = dnslist;
- 					dnslist = tmp_dns;
- 				} else {
- 					// queue in etx order
- 					last = best_routes;
- 					last_dns = dnslist;
- 					while ( last->next!=NULL && i<3 ) {
- 						if (last->next->rt_etx > route->rt_etx)
- 							break;
- 						last = last->next;
- 						last_dns = last_dns->next;
- 						i++;
- 					}
- 					if (i<3) {
- 						OLSR_PRINTF(6, "NAME PLUGIN: queue %f (%s)",
- 							route->rt_etx,
- 							olsr_ip_to_string(&name->ip));
- 						OLSR_PRINTF(6, " after %f (%s)\n", 
- 							last->rt_etx, olsr_ip_to_string(&last_dns->ip));
- 						tmp = olsr_malloc(sizeof(struct rt_entry), "new rt_entry");
- 						memcpy(&tmp->rt_dst, &route->rt_dst, olsr_cnf->ipsize);
- 						tmp->rt_etx = route->rt_etx;
- 						tmp->next = last->next;
- 						last->next = tmp;
! 						tmp_dns = olsr_malloc(sizeof(struct name_entry), "write_resolv name_entry");
! 						COPY_IP(&tmp_dns->ip, &name->ip);
! 						tmp_dns->type = name->type;
! 						tmp_dns->len = 0;
! 						tmp_dns->name = NULL;
! 						tmp_dns->next = last_dns->next;
! 						last_dns->next = tmp_dns;
! 					} else {
! 						OLSR_PRINTF(6, "NAME PLUGIN: don't need more than 3 nameservers\n");
! 					}
! 				}
! 	if (best_routes==NULL)
--- 1139,1166 ----
  			for (name = entry->names; name != NULL; name = name->next) 
! 				route = olsr_lookup_routing_table(&name->ip);
!                 OLSR_PRINTF(6, "NAME PLUGIN: check route for nameserver %s %s",
! 							olsr_ip_to_string(&name->ip),
!                             route ? "suceeded" : "failed");
  				if (route==NULL) // it's possible that route is not present yet
!                 /* enqueue it on the head of list */
!                 *nameserver_routes = route;
!                 OLSR_PRINTF(6, "NAME PLUGIN: found nameserver %s, etx %.3f",
! 							olsr_ip_to_string(&name->ip),
!                             route->rt_best->rtp_metric.etx);
!                 /* find the closet one */
!                 select_best_nameserver(nameserver_routes);
!     /* if there is no best route we are done */
! 	if (nameserver_routes[NAMESERVER_COUNT]==NULL)
*** 1177,1189 ****
  	fprintf(resolv, "### this file is overwritten regularly by olsrd\n");
  	fprintf(resolv, "### do not edit\n\n");
! 	i=0;
! 	for (tmp_dns=dnslist; tmp_dns!=NULL && i<3; tmp_dns=tmp_dns->next) {
! 		OLSR_PRINTF(6, "NAME PLUGIN: nameserver %s\n", olsr_ip_to_string(&tmp_dns->ip));
! 		fprintf(resolv, "nameserver %s\n", olsr_ip_to_string(&tmp_dns->ip));
! 		i++;
! 	}
! 	free_name_entry_list(&dnslist);
! 	if(tmp != NULL) {
! 		free_routing_table_list(&tmp);
  	if (time(&currtime)) {
--- 1174,1192 ----
  	fprintf(resolv, "### this file is overwritten regularly by olsrd\n");
  	fprintf(resolv, "### do not edit\n\n");
! 	for (i = NAMESERVER_COUNT; i >= 0; i--) {
!         route = nameserver_routes[i];
!         OLSR_PRINTF(2, "NAME PLUGIN: nameserver_routes #%d %p\n", i, route);
!         if (!route) {
!             continue;
!         }
! 		OLSR_PRINTF(2, "NAME PLUGIN: nameserver %s\n",
!                     olsr_ip_to_string(&route->rt_dst.prefix));
! 		fprintf(resolv, "nameserver %s\n",
!                 olsr_ip_to_string(&route->rt_dst.prefix));
  	if (time(&currtime)) {
*** 1215,1235 ****
-  * completely free a list of rt_entries
-  */
- static void 
- free_routing_table_list(struct rt_entry **list) 
- {
- 	struct rt_entry **tmp = list;
- 	struct rt_entry *to_delete;
- 	while (*tmp != NULL) {
- 		to_delete = *tmp;
- 		*tmp = (*tmp)->next;
- 		free( to_delete );
- 		to_delete = NULL;
- 	}
- }
- /**
   * we only allow names for IP addresses which we are
   * responsible for: 
--- 1218,1221 ----
*** 1293,1341 ****
- static struct rt_entry *
- host_lookup_routing_table(union olsr_ip_addr *dst)
- {
- 	olsr_u32_t index;
- 	union olsr_ip_addr tmp_ip, tmp_msk;
- 	struct rt_entry *walker;
- 	walker = olsr_lookup_routing_table(dst);
- 	if (walker != NULL)
- 		return walker;
- 	for (index = 0; index < HASHSIZE; index++) {
- 		for (walker = hna_routes[index].next;
- 		   walker != &hna_routes[index]; walker = walker->next) {
- 			if (COMP_IP(&walker->rt_dst, dst))
- 				return walker;
- 			if (olsr_cnf->ip_version == AF_INET) {
- 				if ( walker->rt_mask.v4 != 0 &&
- 				    (dst->v4 & walker->rt_mask.v4) ==
- 				    walker->rt_dst.v4 ) {
- 					OLSR_PRINTF(6, "MATCHED\n");
- 					return walker;
- 				}
- 			} else {
- 				int i;
- 				if ( walker->rt_mask.v6 == 0 )
- 					continue;
- 				olsr_prefix_to_netmask(&tmp_msk,
- 					walker->rt_mask.v6);
- 				for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- 					tmp_ip.v6.s6_addr[i] =
- 						dst->v6.s6_addr[i] &
- 						tmp_msk.v6.s6_addr[i];
- 				}
- 				if (COMP_IP(&tmp_ip, &walker->rt_dst)) {
- 					OLSR_PRINTF(6, "MATCHED\n");
- 					return walker;
- 				}
- 			}
- 		}
- 	}
- 	return NULL;
- }
  /** check if name has the right syntax, i.e. it must adhere to a special regex 
   * stored in regex_t_name
--- 1279,1282 ----
*** 1462,1468 ****
  	memset(ip, 0, sizeof(ip));
  	memset(&dest, 0, sizeof(dest));
! 	if (NULL != (rt_hna = olsr_lookup_hna_routing_table(&dest)))
! 		COPY_IP(ip, &rt_hna->rt_router);
--- 1403,1409 ----
  	memset(ip, 0, sizeof(ip));
  	memset(&dest, 0, sizeof(dest));
! 	if (NULL != (rt_hna = olsr_lookup_routing_table(&dest)))
! 		COPY_IP(ip, &rt_hna->rt_best->rtp_nexthop.gateway);

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