[Olsr-cvs] olsrd-current Makefile,1.102,1.103

Bernd Petrovitsch (spam-protected)
Sun Nov 4 20:07:45 CET 2007

Update of /cvsroot/olsrd/olsrd-current
In directory sc8-pr-cvs3.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv30743

Modified Files:
Log Message:
* added a TMPFILES variable. Place all files there which should be removed on
  a "clean" (which are usually temporary files - thus the name).
* Killed the recursive make of the src/cfgparser directory
 - extracted the directory-local dependencies etc. into src/cfgparser/local.mk
   src/cfgparser/Makefile retains all of the rest to build in the local directory.
   Does actually anyone need that?
 - include'ing that in Makefile
 - removed all special handling/casing of cfgparser parts in Makefile
* cleanup: plugin rules are now all more similar

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvsroot/olsrd/olsrd-current/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.102
retrieving revision 1.103
diff -C2 -d -r1.102 -r1.103
*** Makefile	2 Nov 2007 10:11:43 -0000	1.102
--- Makefile	4 Nov 2007 19:07:43 -0000	1.103
*** 54,74 ****
  SWITCHDIR =	src/olsr_switch
  CFGDIR =	src/cfgparser
! CFGOBJS = 	$(CFGDIR)/oscan.o $(CFGDIR)/oparse.o $(CFGDIR)/olsrd_conf.o
! CFGDEPS = 	$(wildcard $(CFGDIR)/*.[ch]) $(CFGDIR)/oparse.y $(CFGDIR)/oscan.lex
  TAG_SRCS =	$(SRCS) $(HDRS) $(wildcard $(CFGDIR)/*.[ch] $(SWITCHDIR)/*.[ch])
  default_target: cfgparser $(EXENAME)
! $(EXENAME):	$(OBJS) $(CFGOBJS) src/builddata.o
  		$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)
- cfgparser:	$(CFGDEPS)
  # generate it always
--- 54,68 ----
  SWITCHDIR =	src/olsr_switch
  CFGDIR =	src/cfgparser
! include $(CFGDIR)/local.mk
  TAG_SRCS =	$(SRCS) $(HDRS) $(wildcard $(CFGDIR)/*.[ch] $(SWITCHDIR)/*.[ch])
+ .PHONY: default_target cfgparser switch
  default_target: cfgparser $(EXENAME)
! $(EXENAME):	$(OBJS) src/builddata.o
  		$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)
  # generate it always
*** 85,100 ****
! 		-rm -f $(OBJS) $(SRCS:%.c=%.d) $(EXENAME) $(EXENAME).exe src/builddata.c
  ifeq ($(OS), win32)
! 		-rm -f libolsrd.a
- 		$(MAKECMD) -C $(CFGDIR) clean
  uberclean:	clean clean_libs
! 		-rm -f $(TAGFILE)
! 		# BSD-xargs has no "--no-run-if-empty" aka "-r"
! 		find . \( -name '*.[od]' -o -name '*~' \) -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f
! 		$(MAKECMD) -C $(CFGDIR) uberclean
! 		$(MAKECMD) -C $(SWITCHDIR) clean
  install: install_olsrd
--- 79,92 ----
! 	-rm -f $(OBJS) $(SRCS:%.c=%.d) $(EXENAME) $(EXENAME).exe src/builddata.c $(TMPFILES)
  ifeq ($(OS), win32)
! 	-rm -f libolsrd.a
  uberclean:	clean clean_libs
! 	-rm -f $(TAGFILE)
! #	BSD-xargs has no "--no-run-if-empty" aka "-r"
! 	find . \( -name '*.[od]' -o -name '*~' \) -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f
! 	$(MAKECMD) -C $(SWITCHDIR) clean
  install: install_olsrd
*** 155,166 ****
--- 147,161 ----
  		$(MAKECMD) -C lib/tas clean
+ 		$(MAKECMD) -C lib/tas
  		$(MAKECMD) -C lib/tas DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) install
  		$(MAKECMD) -C lib/dot_draw clean
+ 		$(MAKECMD) -C lib/dot_draw
  		$(MAKECMD) -C lib/dot_draw DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) install
  		$(MAKECMD) -C lib/nameservice clean
+ 		$(MAKECMD) -C lib/nameservice
  		$(MAKECMD) -C lib/nameservice DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) install
*** 196,200 ****
! build_all:	all cfgparser $(EXENAME) switch libs
  install_all:	install install_libs
  clean_all:	uberclean clean_libs
--- 191,195 ----
! build_all:	all $(EXENAME) switch libs
  install_all:	install install_libs
  clean_all:	uberclean clean_libs

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