[Olsr-cvs] olsrd-current/lib/httpinfo/src olsrd_httpinfo.c, 1.61, 1.62 olsrd_plugin.c, 1.13, 1.14 olsrd_plugin.h, 1.21, 1.22
Bernd Petrovitsch
Tue Apr 3 00:22:28 CEST 2007
Update of /cvsroot/olsrd/olsrd-current/lib/httpinfo/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs3.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv25929/lib/httpinfo/src
Modified Files:
olsrd_httpinfo.c olsrd_plugin.c olsrd_plugin.h
Log Message:
* Added an option to activate reverse resolving the hostnames
Activate it at your own risk!
* Fixup the HTML - at least partly.
Index: olsrd_httpinfo.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/olsrd/olsrd-current/lib/httpinfo/src/olsrd_httpinfo.c,v
retrieving revision 1.61
retrieving revision 1.62
diff -C2 -d -r1.61 -r1.62
*** olsrd_httpinfo.c 4 Feb 2007 22:37:36 -0000 1.61
--- olsrd_httpinfo.c 2 Apr 2007 22:22:25 -0000 1.62
*** 50,53 ****
--- 50,54 ----
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
+ #include <netdb.h>
#include "olsr.h"
*** 706,710 ****
--- 707,770 ----
+ static int
+ build_ip_txt(char *buf, const olsr_u32_t bufsize, const olsr_bool want_link, const char * const ipstr, const char * const maskstr);
+ static int
+ build_ip_txt(char *buf, const olsr_u32_t bufsize, const olsr_bool want_link, const char * const ipstr, const char * const maskstr)
+ {
+ int size = 0;
+ if (want_link && maskstr == NULL) { /* Print the link only if there is not netmask */
+ size += sprintf(&buf[size],
+ "<a href=\"http://%s:%d/all\">",
+ ipstr,
+ http_port);
+ }
+ size += sprintf(&buf[size], "%s", ipstr);
+ if (maskstr) {
+ size += sprintf(&buf[size], "/%s", maskstr);
+ }
+ if (want_link && maskstr == NULL) { /* Print the link only if there is not netmask */
+ size += sprintf(&buf[size], "</a>");
+ }
+ return size;
+ }
+ static int
+ build_ipaddr_link(char *buf, const olsr_u32_t bufsize, const olsr_bool want_link, union olsr_ip_addr * const ipaddr, const union hna_netmask * const mask);
+ static int
+ build_ipaddr_link(char *buf, const olsr_u32_t bufsize, const olsr_bool want_link, union olsr_ip_addr * const ipaddr, const union hna_netmask * const mask)
+ {
+ int size = 0;
+ char maskbuf[32];
+ char *maskstr;
+ const struct hostent * const hp = resolve_ip_addresses ? gethostbyaddr(ipaddr, olsr_cnf->ipsize, olsr_cnf->ip_version) : NULL;
+ if (mask != NULL) {
+ if (olsr_cnf->ip_version == AF_INET) {
+ if (mask->v4 == ~0U) {
+ maskstr = NULL;
+ } else {
+ struct in_addr in;
+ in.s_addr = mask->v4;
+ snprintf(maskbuf, sizeof(maskbuf), "%s", inet_ntoa(in));
+ maskstr = maskbuf;
+ }
+ } else {
+ snprintf(maskbuf, sizeof(maskbuf), "%d", mask->v6);
+ maskstr = maskbuf;
+ }
+ } else {
+ maskstr = NULL;
+ }
+ size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<td%s>", resolve_ip_addresses && hp ? "" : " colspan=\"2\"");
+ size += build_ip_txt(&buf[size], bufsize, want_link, olsr_ip_to_string(ipaddr), maskstr);
+ if (hp) {
+ size += sprintf(&buf[size], "</td><td>(");
+ size += build_ip_txt(&buf[size], bufsize, want_link, hp->h_name, NULL);
+ size += sprintf(&buf[size], ")");
+ }
+ size += sprintf(&buf[size], "</td>");
+ return size;
+ }
+ #define build_ipaddr_with_link(buf, bufsize, ipaddr, mask) build_ipaddr_link((buf), (bufsize), OLSR_TRUE, (ipaddr), (mask))
+ #define build_ipaddr_no_link(buf, bufsize, ipaddr, mask) build_ipaddr_link((buf), (bufsize), OLSR_FALSE, (ipaddr), (mask))
*** 716,720 ****
size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<h2>OLSR routes in kernel</h2>\n");
! size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<table width=\"100%%\" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 ALIGN=center><tr><th>Destination</th><th>Gateway</th><th>Metric</th>");
if (olsr_cnf->lq_level > 0)
size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<th>ETX</th>");
--- 776,781 ----
size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<h2>OLSR routes in kernel</h2>\n");
! size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<table width=\"100%%\" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 ALIGN=center><tr><th%s>Destination</th><th>Gateway</th><th>Metric</th>",
! resolve_ip_addresses ? " colspan=\"2\"" : "");
if (olsr_cnf->lq_level > 0)
size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<th>ETX</th>");
*** 728,744 ****
routes = routes->next)
! size += sprintf(&buf[size],
! "<tr><td><a href=\"http://%s:%d/all\">%s</a></td>"
! "<td><a href=\"http://%s:%d/all\">%s</a></td>"
! "<td>%d</td>",
! olsr_ip_to_string(&routes->rt_dst),
! http_port,
! olsr_ip_to_string(&routes->rt_dst),
! olsr_ip_to_string(&routes->rt_router),
! http_port,
! olsr_ip_to_string(&routes->rt_router),
! routes->rt_metric);
if (olsr_cnf->lq_level > 0)
! size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<td>%.2f</td>", routes->rt_etx);
size += sprintf(&buf[size],
--- 789,799 ----
routes = routes->next)
! size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<tr>");
! size += build_ipaddr_with_link(&buf[size], bufsize - size, &routes->rt_dst, NULL);
! size += build_ipaddr_with_link(&buf[size], bufsize - size, &routes->rt_router, NULL);
! size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<td align=\"right\">%d</td>", routes->rt_metric);
if (olsr_cnf->lq_level > 0)
! size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<td align=\"right\">%.2f</td>", routes->rt_etx);
size += sprintf(&buf[size],
*** 755,769 ****
routes = routes->next)
size += sprintf(&buf[size],
! "<tr><td>%s</td>"
! "<td><a href=\"http://%s:%d/all\">%s</a></td>"
! "<td>%d</td>",
! olsr_ip_to_string(&routes->rt_dst),
! olsr_ip_to_string(&routes->rt_router),
! http_port,
! olsr_ip_to_string(&routes->rt_router),
if (olsr_cnf->lq_level > 0)
! size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<td>%.2f</td>", routes->rt_etx);
size += sprintf(&buf[size],
--- 810,821 ----
routes = routes->next)
+ size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<tr>");
+ size += build_ipaddr_with_link(&buf[size], bufsize - size, &routes->rt_dst, &routes->rt_mask);
+ size += build_ipaddr_with_link(&buf[size], bufsize - size, &routes->rt_router, NULL);
size += sprintf(&buf[size],
! "<td align=\"right\">%d</td>",
if (olsr_cnf->lq_level > 0)
! size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<td align=\"right\">%.2f</td>", routes->rt_etx);
size += sprintf(&buf[size],
*** 950,955 ****
size += sprintf(&buf[size], "</table>\n");
! }
! else if((olsr_cnf->ip_version == AF_INET6) && (olsr_cnf->hna6_entries))
struct hna6_entry *hna6;
--- 1002,1007 ----
size += sprintf(&buf[size], "</table>\n");
! }
! else if((olsr_cnf->ip_version == AF_INET6) && (olsr_cnf->hna6_entries))
struct hna6_entry *hna6;
*** 983,987 ****
size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<h2>Links</h2>\n");
! size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<table width=\"100%%\" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 ALIGN=center><tr><th>Local IP</th><th>remote IP</th><th>Hysteresis</th>\n");
if (olsr_cnf->lq_level > 0)
size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<th>LinkQuality</th><th>lost</th><th>total</th><th>NLQ</th><th>ETX</th>\n");
--- 1035,1039 ----
size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<h2>Links</h2>\n");
! size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<table width=\"100%%\" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 ALIGN=center><tr><th>Local IP</th><th>Remote IP</th><th>Hysteresis</th>\n");
if (olsr_cnf->lq_level > 0)
size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<th>LinkQuality</th><th>lost</th><th>total</th><th>NLQ</th><th>ETX</th>\n");
*** 992,1012 ****
size += sprintf(&buf[size],
! "<tr><td>%s</td>"
! "<td><a href=\"http://%s:%d/all\">%s</a></td>"
! "<td>%0.2f</td>",
! olsr_ip_to_string(&link->local_iface_addr),
! olsr_ip_to_string(&link->neighbor_iface_addr),
! http_port,
! olsr_ip_to_string(&link->neighbor_iface_addr),
if (olsr_cnf->lq_level > 0)
size += sprintf(&buf[size],
! "<td>%0.2f</td>"
! "<td>%0.2f</td>"
! "<td>%0.2f</td></tr>\n",
--- 1044,1061 ----
+ size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<tr>");
+ size += build_ipaddr_no_link(&buf[size], bufsize, &link->local_iface_addr, NULL);
+ size += build_ipaddr_with_link(&buf[size], bufsize, &link->neighbor_iface_addr, NULL);
size += sprintf(&buf[size],
! "<td align=\"right\">%0.2f</td>",
if (olsr_cnf->lq_level > 0)
size += sprintf(&buf[size],
! "<td align=\"right\">%0.2f</td>"
! "<td align=\"right\">%0.2f</td>"
! "<td align=\"right\">%0.2f</td></tr>\n",
*** 1031,1043 ****
neigh = neigh->next)
size += sprintf(&buf[size],
- "<tr><td><a href=\"http://%s:%d/all\">%s</a></td>"
- olsr_ip_to_string(&neigh->neighbor_main_addr),
- http_port,
- olsr_ip_to_string(&neigh->neighbor_main_addr),
(neigh->status == SYM) ? "YES" : "NO",
neigh->is_mpr ? "YES" : "NO",
--- 1080,1090 ----
neigh = neigh->next)
+ size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<tr>");
+ size += build_ipaddr_with_link(&buf[size], bufsize, &neigh->neighbor_main_addr, NULL);
size += sprintf(&buf[size],
(neigh->status == SYM) ? "YES" : "NO",
neigh->is_mpr ? "YES" : "NO",
*** 1054,1058 ****
list_2 = list_2->next)
! size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<option>%s</option>\n", olsr_ip_to_string(&list_2->neighbor_2->neighbor_2_addr));
thop_cnt ++;
--- 1101,1105 ----
list_2 = list_2->next)
! size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<option>%s</option>", olsr_ip_to_string(&list_2->neighbor_2->neighbor_2_addr));
thop_cnt ++;
*** 1078,1082 ****
! size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<h2>Topology entries</h2>\n<table width=\"100%%\" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 ALIGN=center><tr><th>Destination IP</th><th>Last hop IP</th>");
if (olsr_cnf->lq_level > 0)
size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<th>LQ</th><th>ILQ</th><th>ETX</th>");
--- 1125,1129 ----
! size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<h2>Topology entries</h2>\n<table width=\"100%%\" BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 ALIGN=center><tr><th>Destination IP</th><th>Last Hop IP</th>");
if (olsr_cnf->lq_level > 0)
size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<th>LQ</th><th>ILQ</th><th>ETX</th>");
*** 1095,1116 ****
while(dst_entry != &entry->destinations)
! size += sprintf(&buf[size],
! "<tr><td><a href=\"http://%s:%d/all\">%s</a></td>"
! "<td><a href=\"http://%s:%d/all\">%s</a></td>",
! olsr_ip_to_string(&dst_entry->T_dest_addr),
! http_port,
! olsr_ip_to_string(&dst_entry->T_dest_addr),
! olsr_ip_to_string(&entry->T_last_addr),
! http_port,
! olsr_ip_to_string(&entry->T_last_addr));
if (olsr_cnf->lq_level > 0)
size += sprintf(&buf[size],
! "<td>%0.2f</td>"
! "<td>%0.2f</td>"
! "<td>%0.2f</td>\n",
! (dst_entry->link_quality * dst_entry->inverse_link_quality) ? 1.0 / (dst_entry->link_quality * dst_entry->inverse_link_quality) : 0.0);
size += sprintf(&buf[size], "</tr>\n");
--- 1142,1158 ----
while(dst_entry != &entry->destinations)
! size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<tr>");
! size += build_ipaddr_with_link(&buf[size], bufsize, &dst_entry->T_dest_addr, NULL);
! size += build_ipaddr_with_link(&buf[size], bufsize, &entry->T_last_addr, NULL);
if (olsr_cnf->lq_level > 0)
+ const double d = dst_entry->link_quality * dst_entry->inverse_link_quality;
size += sprintf(&buf[size],
! "<td align=\"right\">%0.2f</td>"
! "<td align=\"right\">%0.2f</td>"
! "<td align=\"right\">%0.2f</td>\n",
! d ? 1.0 / d : 0.0);
size += sprintf(&buf[size], "</tr>\n");
*** 1153,1164 ****
while(tmp_net != &tmp_hna->networks)
! size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<tr><td>%s</td>",
! olsr_ip_to_string(&tmp_net->A_network_addr));
size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<td>%s</td>",
! size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<td><a href=\"http://%s:%d/all\">%s</a></td></tr>\n",
! olsr_ip_to_string(&tmp_hna->A_gateway_addr),
! http_port,
! olsr_ip_to_string(&tmp_hna->A_gateway_addr));
tmp_net = tmp_net->next;
--- 1195,1203 ----
while(tmp_net != &tmp_hna->networks)
! size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<tr>");
! size += build_ipaddr_no_link(&buf[size], bufsize, &tmp_net->A_network_addr, NULL);
size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<td>%s</td>",
! size += build_ipaddr_with_link(&buf[size], bufsize, &tmp_hna->A_gateway_addr, NULL);
tmp_net = tmp_net->next;
*** 1190,1197 ****
while(entry != &mid_set[index])
! size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<tr><td><a href=\"http://%s:%d/all\">%s</a></td>\n",
! olsr_ip_to_string(&entry->main_addr),
! http_port,
! olsr_ip_to_string(&entry->main_addr));
size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<td><select>\n<option>IP ADDRESS</option>\n");
--- 1229,1234 ----
while(entry != &mid_set[index])
! size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<tr>");
! size += build_ipaddr_with_link(&buf[size], bufsize, &entry->main_addr, NULL);
size += sprintf(&buf[size], "<td><select>\n<option>IP ADDRESS</option>\n");
Index: olsrd_plugin.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/olsrd/olsrd-current/lib/httpinfo/src/olsrd_plugin.h,v
retrieving revision 1.21
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -C2 -d -r1.21 -r1.22
*** olsrd_plugin.h 4 Feb 2007 22:37:36 -0000 1.21
--- olsrd_plugin.h 2 Apr 2007 22:22:26 -0000 1.22
*** 73,76 ****
--- 73,77 ----
extern int http_port;
+ extern int resolve_ip_addresses;
/* Allowed hosts stuff */
Index: olsrd_plugin.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/olsrd/olsrd-current/lib/httpinfo/src/olsrd_plugin.c,v
retrieving revision 1.13
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -C2 -d -r1.13 -r1.14
*** olsrd_plugin.c 4 Feb 2007 22:37:36 -0000 1.13
--- olsrd_plugin.c 2 Apr 2007 22:22:26 -0000 1.14
*** 50,56 ****
--- 50,61 ----
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <netinet/in.h>
+ #include <arpa/nameser.h>
#include "olsrd_httpinfo.h"
int http_port = 0;
+ int resolve_ip_addresses = 0;
static void __attribute__ ((constructor))
*** 60,64 ****
* Defines the version of the plugin interface that is used
--- 65,68 ----
*** 82,86 ****
/* Print plugin info to stdout */
printf("%s\n", MOD_DESC);
--- 86,90 ----
/* Print plugin info to stdout */
printf("%s\n", MOD_DESC);
*** 167,171 ****
return 1;
--- 171,184 ----
! if(!strcasecmp(key, "resolve"))
! {
! if (!strcasecmp (value, "yes")) {
! resolve_ip_addresses = 1;
! } else if (!strcasecmp (value, "no")) {
! resolve_ip_addresses = 0;
! } else {
! return 0;
! }
! }
return 1;
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