[Olsr-cvs] olsrd-current/src net_olsr.c,1.12,1.13

Andreas T�nnesen (spam-protected)
Tue Jan 10 21:49:03 CET 2006

Update of /cvsroot/olsrd/olsrd-current/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv31623

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Warnings fixed

Index: net_olsr.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/olsrd/olsrd-current/src/net_olsr.c,v
retrieving revision 1.12
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -C2 -d -r1.12 -r1.13
*** net_olsr.c	10 Jan 2006 20:38:19 -0000	1.12
--- net_olsr.c	10 Jan 2006 20:49:01 -0000	1.13
*** 97,100 ****
--- 97,103 ----
  #ifdef USE_LIBNET
+ int
+ olsr_in_cksum(olsr_u16_t *, int);
  static char errbuf[LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE];
*** 402,405 ****
--- 405,409 ----
+ #ifdef USE_LIBNET
   * Stolen from libnet
*** 431,435 ****
      return sum;
--- 435,439 ----
      return sum;
! #endif
*** 534,538 ****
        /* IP version 6 */
        struct libnet_in6_addr src, dst;
!       int sum;
        memcpy(&src, &ifp->ip_addr.v6, sizeof(src));
--- 538,542 ----
        /* IP version 6 */
        struct libnet_in6_addr src, dst;
!       //int sum;
        memcpy(&src, &ifp->ip_addr.v6, sizeof(src));
*** 575,578 ****
--- 579,583 ----
  	  return -1;
+     }
  #if 0
*** 581,584 ****
--- 586,590 ----
     unsigned char enet_broadcast[6] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
+    /* We should add layer2 as well later */
     ether_tag = libnet_build_ethernet(enet_broadcast,

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