<HTML><BODY>Hello All!<br><br> I have MANET network of mobile devices with IP-camera onboard. <br> Devices transmit stream-video over MESH, but when distances are too long, and bandwidth goes down to 1-2 Mbits, it's not enough for video.<br> I have 2 cases of links:<br><br> 1st case is direct link:<br> NoteBook with VideoPlayer (VLC) <--- 600 meters -----> Object B<br><br> OLSRD with LinkQualityLevel=2 decides than Notebook should have direct wi-fi link with B. <br> Video-steam fails. <br><br> 2nd case is using object A as relay:<br> NoteBook with VideoPlayer (VLC) <--- 300 meters ---> Object A <---- 300 meters ---> Object B<br><br> In 2nd case video is working. But how to make OLSRD to choose this route ?<br> <br> I think Link Quality mechanism be default is working with small UDP packets (less 100 bytes) and direct link LQ*NLQ is higher than<br> total (LQ1*NLQ1*LQ2*NLQ2).<br><br> But if it could be possible to set LQ HELLO packet to 300-1200 bytes, % of packet loss will change, and<br> Link Quality evaluation could be more appropriate for high bandwidth transmissions. <br> <br> Do someone have any ideas ?<br><br><br>-- <br></BODY></HTML>