Hello all,<br><br>I'm currently trying to make cooperating fixed networks, MANET clouds, with OLSR and MIPv6.<br><br>My goal is to make MANET nodes processing their own stateless autoconfiguration, on receiving Router Advertisements, and then, proceed with MIPv6 by sending Binding Updates to their Home Agent in the fixed network to advertise it of a new COA address.
<br>After reviewing lots of research papers on the Internet, it appears that several solutions have been proposed, but no one has been normalized yet.<br>Do you have any information on how to proceed ?<br><br>My idea is to modify HNA messages processing on a MANET node to consider the prefix and compute their own address. Basically, the gateway between the MANET cloud and the fixed network will make the translation between RAs and HNA messages. Am I thinking in the right direction ?
<br><br>Any comment would be appreciated.<br><br>Regards,<br>Florian<br>