Hi,<br><br>Thank You all for the replies.<br><br>But still i am confused over somethings.<br><br>First let me please explain the first scenario again :<br><br>I have 3 nodes all assigning private ip (192.168.x.x) All 3 assign a different range of ip so no issues with conflicts etc.
<br> <br> ____<br>Node1<____ Initial point of a pc w/o olsr <br>|<br>| ____<br>Node2<____ Moves here and Node1 goes off/out of range.<br>|<br>| ____<br>Node3 <____<br><br><br>Now in the above case Node1 assigned me the ip
first.Then when i move over to Node2 i am not assigned an ip unless Node2 is restarted (no use restarting the pc).<br><br>But when i tried the same with freifunk firmware there were no issues like that.I just had to reconnect and i have a new ip address assigned to me.
<br>This is what made me think that the Olsr-dhcp is doing something and is a part of olsr itself.Now i guess might be it something to do with dnsmasq scripts.<br><br>And Benjamin Henrion thank you for the link,ill read and try it out.
<br><br>Actually my setup is pretty small and for a central DHCP server i guess Firestarter will be easier and as Bernd Petrovitsch said i can use the relay and hope it works with that.Also since DHCP relay will be on same interface and multiple nodes etc anyways those things will be off topic here.
<br><br>Thanks for the Help<br><br><br>Regards,<br><br>Vinay.Menon<br>