[Olsr-users] Mobile robotics

Kim Hawtin (spam-protected)
Fri Oct 3 03:35:34 CEST 2008

Henning Rogge wrote:
> Am Donnerstag 02 Oktober 2008 12:07:12 schrieb Nelson Gonçalves:
>> I just want to use olsrd routing capabilities to do inter-process
>> communication (IPC) , where processes can be running in different
>> computers and the computers can use different mediums. I already have a
>> working solution for IPC when processes (identified through a unique
>> key) are in the same computer. The idea is to use olsrd to route
>> messages when the process ID is not found locally. I would assign to
>> each olsrd also a unique key and must write a plugin that whould work
>> only on my message type.
> To do this Olsrd have to know where each process located at the moment.
> Hmm... if you give every process an ip address you could directly talk with 
> UDP/TCP between processes.

I have done something very similar to this, binding a process to a loopback interface/IP
and using the anycast IP method with OSPF and OLSR to export that route to that interface.

Its how I currently have multiple DNS servers to offer redundancy on my network, where the
client queries the 'local' DNS server. Local often means closest by hop count or by

I also have other services that I run only on loopback interfaces, primarily so those
services and IPs can be moved to another physical server and the whole config remains


Operating Systems, Services and Operations
Information Technology Services, The University of Adelaide

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