[OLSR-users] Getting started with OLSR

Sven-Ola Tuecke (spam-protected)
Sat Jul 23 14:45:25 CEST 2005


the link you mentioned states, that the HNA4 settings is working 
unexpectedly. Too bad. You do not need this normally. Additionally, the 
author has not investgated deep enough. He tried to manually change the 
olsrd.conf - but this file is under control. You need to use the Web UI, 
theres /etc/local.olsrd.conf and /etc/local.olsrd.conf.[iface] for 

If thats all you needed to read for mesh setup, I will call it a great 
success :)

Anyhow, people tend to fiddle with HNA4 setting and manual routes too much. 
Note: The Freifunk Firmware does not allow you to configure an 
unworking/blocked standard gateway aka. Default Route. If you have a working 
manual defroute (with Metric==0), the "internet here" anncouncement is 
switched on automatically with a simple dyn-gateway-plugin. If your defroute 
is not working, it's placed in a second background routing table - so the 
cron job can check if inet is coming back and reannounce HNA4.

If you plan to include other link techniques: That's easy. Just plug in the 
ethernet wire of the link technique and assign a mesh-compatible IP. Which 
link technique? Does not matter (e.g. ethernet as well as 
http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1149.html should work) as long as the OLSR 
broadcast datagram goes through).

Have fun,

"Mike McKay" <(spam-protected)> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
> This was pretty easy and very cool - but I had pretty much just followed
> the instructions here:
> http://csircoin.blogspot.com/2005/07/few-tips-with-olsr-on-openwrt-freifunk.html
> This is all good but I want more. My perfect mesh would work something
> like this:

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