Hi all,<br>Aside of the work for SPF incremental procedures, it seems for me that we can avoid to trigger some useless calls of the routing table calculation (olsr_calculate_routing_table). I know that a backoff mechanism has been used to prevent too many calls but i think that we can improve this with a "more natural" approach. In particular for changes regarding deletion or weight increasing of non-neighbor edge entries we do not need to trigger routing table recalculation if they aren't in SPTree. Based on your Henning's suggestion i used a pointer to node's parent in the struct tc_entry.<br>
I attached a patch that explain this idea better. Alternatively one can check by:<br>git clone git@github.com:saulojorge/sptree-aware-spf-update.git<br><br>In case of edge insertion/weight decrasing (say tc_edge) shortest paths can also be improved for all nodes in the subtree rooted by tc_edge->edge_inv->tc. So in the above-mentioned patch I have triggered the recalculation of the whole routing table to see if we can improve this spf subtree. However in this context I think we should check if the improvement can be really achieved (this check is very fast) and so recalculate SPF only for nodes in that subtree rather than the whole topology. The work I've done in this sense having Hannes as mentor can be tracked by:<br>
<br>git clone git@github.com:saulojorge/incremental-spf.git<br><br>regards.<br><br>-- <br>Saulo Jorge bq<br>-<br>"In theory, there is no difference between practice and theory, in practice there is"<br>-- Someone<br>