Hello,<br><br>I'm trying to write a custom plugin to extend olsrd and have come across the following two documents:<br><br> Olsrd plugin implementation HOWTO(a bit outdated)[<a href="http://www.olsr.org/docs/olsrd-plugin-howto.html">html</a>][<a href="http://www.olsr.org/docs/olsrd-plugin-howto.pdf">pdf</a>]<br>
- INVALID FROM 0.4.10!<br><br><a href="http://www.olsr.org/docs/olsr_plugin_paper.pdf">The UniK OLSR plugin Interface</a>(PDF)To be presented at the OLSR interop workshop<br>
in San Diego, aug 6-7.A. Tønnesen, A. Hafslund and Ø. Kure.<br><br>Both these documents seem to be outdated or insufficient. I would appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.<br><br>Bye for now<br>