[Olsr-dev] [GSOC] - mDNS plugin. Filter out hosts we dont want to propagate

ZioPRoTo (Saverio Proto) (spam-protected)
Thu May 10 10:03:58 CEST 2012

If you want you can comment directly on github, it is easier to
reference to lines of code


Skeleton code of the new feature of mDNS to filter
out some hosts to prevent forwarding of services
we dont want to propagate in the mesh.

In the configuration file we can write which IP address we want to discard
and do not propagate in the mDNS flooding.
For example if I have Apple AirPort at home, do not giving out any service
I dont want those mDNS packets travelling in the all mesh network.

I backported the list.h from the master branch to have a dinamic list of hosts


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